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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Oct 30, 2017

Nov 1 through Nov 30 2017

Even though sunspots are almost nil, geomagnetic storms continue, exciting the atoms in our atmosphere. This means your atmosphere, or aurora, is being excited to. From

    LONG-RANGE FORECAST: NOAA forecasters say that G2-class geomagnetic storms are possible on Nov. 9-10 when a relatively potent stream of solar wind reaches Earth. A last-quarter Moon should provide dark enough skies for easy visibility of Arctic auroras.

Remember the earth is in the process of change. It is obvious the weather is warmer, but the crystal grid of the earth is becoming more active and some spiritual hotspots are changing, with some decreasing in frequency and others increasing. This is to be expected when the precession of the equinoxes changes signs, as is happening now. You may think of the music of the Age of Pisces like that of a lullaby, with the music of the Age of Aquarius that of staccato jazz, and they are mixing now, with expected disharmony.

This month the 25-degree point is activated in the signs of  Aries, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. If you have a planet, your ascendent or midheaven at 24, 25 or 26 degrees, it will be activated several times this month. The dates are November 4, 11, 17, 25 and 27.  To enjoy a quickie interpretation of your chart, contact Patty.

The USA has a dangerous date of Nov 18. This may be offset by the USA progressed Saturn in trine with the USA natal Venus this year, protecting the president and presidency, and indicating the possibly of a consortium of allies, such as NATO or the UN cooperating or backing the USA.

Nov 1: Moon goes into Aries and into the see-saw, quincunx, relationship with the Sun. The day does not go as expected, with unexpected interruptions. Especially discombulated are Aries and Scorpio.

Nov 2: Another see-saw day. Communications are off balance. Trying to present or request financial accounting is either ignored or rebuffed. The serious one (Scorpio) wants communication with the one making changes (Aries) to no avail. Leo and Sagittarius can help Aries, Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio.

Nov 3:Good day for diplomacy, with the diplomat or peacemaker and the established one having the opportunity for cooperation and success. Your love life should be good  today. Libra gives Sagittarius the opportunity for diplomacy, both signs being peacemaker signs. Good day for the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; and the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.  Moon goes into Taurus.

Nov 4: full Moon in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio, who experience relationship control issues. Leo and Aquarius experience control issue situations. The areas of the body for this full Moon are the neck & throat, and the anus and reproductive systems. Both signs are related with sexual disease. Virgo and Capricorn can help Taurus, with Cancer and Pisces helping Scorpio.

Nov 4 also: the 25-degree point of Libra and Aries is activated. Venus in Libra (the stronger) is opposing Uranus in Aries, with possible relationship disagreements over cooperation and independence. However, there could be successful discussion to balance cooperation and gracious diplomacy about a new idea or project. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra, with Leo and Sagittarius helping Aries.

Nov 5: Mercury goes into Sagittarius through January 10. (Mercury goes retrograde Dec. 3.) Communication is now about travel and foreign entities. Mercury is scattered, impulsive and friendly in Sagittarius. However, Sagittarius is a peacemaker sign, so in their conversations, they will be attempting to sweep disagreements under the rug. Sagittarius will be even more talkative than ususal, with Gemini experiencing spirited conversations, which others may see as arguments. Both signs enjoy this. Virgo and Pisces could be irritated because of the swift, changing communication. Aries and Leo enjoy good communications, with Libra and Aquarius having opportunities for making travel plans and other good communications. If Libra and Sagittarius cooperate, they can achieve good peacemaking. Cancer and Taurus adjust to communications not as they expect. Scorpio and Capricorn are neutral. Moon goes into Gemini.

Nov 6: see-saw, or quincunx day, with the Sun and Moon in the signs of Gemini and Scorpio. Gemini tries to communicate to no avail because the money person is asking for the dreaded details. The day does not go as expected, but if everyone is flexible, it can be better. Libra and Aquarius can help Gemini, with Cancer and Pisces helping Scorpio.

Nov 6 USA: transiting Jupiter in Scorpio is in a beautiful trine with the USA natal Jupiter in Cancer. Expected continued “good luck” with the general population and behind-the-scenes help regarding enemy or allies or legal agreements.

Nov 7: Venus goes into Scorpio through December 25. Your loved one becomes intense. Scorpio is more intense than usual, with attention towards intimacy and investments. Taurus experiences relationship control issues, with both sex and money the focus. Cancer and Pisces enjoy nice emotional relationships, and maybe good finances. Virgo and Capricorn have opportunities for good love and financial relationships. Libra and Sagittarius are neutral. Aries and Gemini adjust to the intensity of both loved ones and financial advisors. Moon goes into Cancer.

Nov 8: Sun and Moon are in harmony in the signs of Cancer and Scorpio, with those signs having a great day, followed by Pisces. Everyone has a good emotional day.

Nov 9: Opportunity for financial reorganization, especially between Scorpio and Capricorn, followed by Cancer, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo. The money manager can create the opportunity for practical changes with success. The other scenario is unsatisfactory presentation of a diplomatic solution regarding creative or religious entities. Mars is in Libra, pushing a stronger Neptune in Pisces and gets absorbed. Moon goes into Leo.

Nov 9 USA: Transiting Jupiter square USA natal nodes: excess distracts from the purpose of the country, which is financial balance. Excess could be necessary spending because of the recent natural disasters.

Nov 10: quarter Moon in the signs of Leo and Scorpio, who have stubborn control issues, possibly bringing Taurus and Aquarius into the discussion. Taurus controls the checkbook, and tries to rein in Leo’s expenses. Aries and Sagittarius can help Aries, with Cancer and Pisces helping Scorpio.

Nov 11: Saturn in Sagittarius is in a nice trine with Uranus in Aries at 25 degrees. This is the last focus date and repeat of Dec 24, 2016 and May 19 this year of 2017. Changes should go through relatively harmoniously, with the established way of things aware of change and eager to do so. Sagittarius and Aries are enjoying change that is stabilized, followed by Leo. However, if you have a 25-degree point in your chart in the signs of Virgo or Pisces, this is the last focus date of the cycle of instability. And if you have a 25-degree point in your chart in the signs of Cancer of Capricorn, this is the last focus date of the cycle of “unexpected” change. Look back to the previous dates to learn how this has been affecting you. Moon goes into Virgo.

Nov 12: no planetary activity.

Nov 13: Sun and Moon are getting along, in the signs of Virgo and Scorpio, who have the opportunity for cooperation and success. Also, Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct - or together - in Scorpio, indicating that Scorpio will be much more intensely communicative than ususal, probably about investments. However Mercury in Sagittarius is at odds with Neptune in Pisces, so don’t make important decisions today because the facts are vague or non-existent. If you are a Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini or Virgo, be very careful making agreements because so much is left out. Good day to go to the movies.

Nov 14-16, no planetary activity.

Nov 16: Nice, easy, gentle, loving day. Your loved one is intense and romantic. The water signs of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer have a lovely day. Taurus may experience a more intense loved one or discussions over money. Virgo and Capricorn have the opportunity for a lovely romantic day if they will stop working so hard.  Moon goes into Scorpio.

Nov 17: the 25-degree point is activated, this time I the see-saw aspect, meaning your day does not go as expected, requiring you to adjust. Scorpio, or the money person, may be trying to manage the new-comer, or the one affecting change, to no avail. The one creating change may rebel or stir things up. Especially difficult day for Scorpio and Aries. Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio, with Leo and Sagittarius helping Aries. However, Sagittarius and Libra can be the diplomats and peacemakers, presenting solutions. Communication is good for Sagittarius, Aries and Leo; followed by Gemini, Libra and maybe Aquarius. Since the Sun is in Scorpio, Aquarius may continue to experience control issues, meaning they cannot control or manage the rebellious group.

Nov 18: new Moon in Scorpio, meaning a good day for Scorpio to present and begin a project. Taurus experiences opposition, with Leo and Aquarius having mild, non-personal control situations. Cancer and Pisces have a good day, followed by Virgo and Capricorn. Libra and Sagittarius are neutral. Aries and Gemini adjust to intenseness and maybe requests for financial accounting.

Nov 18 USA: Dangerous few days. Progressed Moon opposite USA natal Mars, and related to Aug 9 through Sept 9 this year of 2017, when transiting Saturn was in opposition to USA natal Mars: war and rumors of war with an ancient enemy, or an entity with an ancient culture. Today is the exact trigger day of this energy. However,  since this is the progressed Moon, the happening could be a few days before or after.

Nov 19: very challenging day, almost war like. The younger one is challenging the established one and the established one is stronger. Much strife. The cardinal signs of Libra, Capricorn, Cancer and Libra are especially challenged. Gemini can use their legendary talent for helping others see all sides of the situation, with Aquarius presenting long-term consequences. Virgo can present details, and Taurus can present the costs. Decisions are best put off for a better day.

Nov 18, 19 and 20, no planetary activity.

Nov 20 USA: transiting Jupiter quincunx - see-saw - USA natal Neptune. Changes and instability from groups towards the workforce of health insurance. News is incomplete even though loudly proclaimed.

Nov 21: Sun goes into Sagittarius through Dec 21. Sagittarius can now expand activity and projects, with Gemini experiencing  arguments and opposition. Virgo and Pisces are irritated because of so much activity and no detail. Aries and Leo enjoy a nice, creative month. Libra and Aquarius have opportunities for travel and expansion of social life. Taurus and Cancer adjust to spontaneous interruptions. Scorpio and Capricorn are neutral. Also, the strife of Nov 19 may be able to be harmonized. The money person and diplomat offers an opportunity for cooperation and accomplishment. Scorpio and Capricorn have the opportunity for success today followed by Cancer, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo. Moon goes into Capricorn.

Nov 22: Neptune goes direct at 11 Pisces 27, and will be at the 11 degree-mark through all of December 2017  and the first few days of January 2018. If you have an 11-degree point in your chart, you will experience whatever the aspect of Pisces is to that point. This is the end of a cycle: Neptune was at 11 degrees Pisces the last three weeks of April, all of May 2016, again July and half of August 2016, and the last three weeks of Feb and first week of March 2017. To enjoy your personal interpretation, contact Patty.  If your planet is in Gemini or Sagittarius, your experience is confusion, vagueness, loss and possible fraud and deception. If your planet or point is in Cancer or Scorpio, you experience spiritual or creative progress. If your planet or point is Taurus or Capricorn, you experience opportunities that must be created or accepted to experience the good. If your planet or point is Aquarius or Aries, that is neutral.  If your planet or point is Virgo your experience is relationship loss, deception or confusion. If your planet or point is Leo or Libra you are adjusting to vague or confusing situations that don’t go as you expect.  Whew!

Nov 23: Moon goes into Aquarius and forms a nice relationship with the Sun in Sagittarius. Great day for the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; also for the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Good day for mild, long-range or travel plans. Today is Thanksgiving in the USA, and it should be a good day. Interestingly, this is the most-traveled day in the USA, with the Sun in Sagittarius, the travel sign. Sagittarius is also the sign of abundance, and one of the symbols of Thanksgiving is he horn of plenty.

Nov 24: no planetary activity.

Nov 25: the 25-degree point is in the signs of Sagittarius and Aries activated and harmonious. Communication is good, with any disagreements over change or new projects worked out. Since this is the 25-degree point, if your point or planet is in Cancer or Capricorn, you experience change istigated by Libra. If your planet or point is in Aries, you experience relationship changes.  If your point or planet is in Gemini or Aquarius you have opportunities for change that must be created or accepted to happen. If your point or planet is in Pisces or Taurus, you are neutral. If your point or planet is in Virgo or Scorpio, you adjust to changes that are uncomfortable. If your point or planet is in Leo or Sagittarius, you are in the right place at the right time to benefit from change.

Nov 26: Moon goes into Pisces and creates a quarter Moon with Sagittarius, who experience an irritating day. Gemini also is irritated. Cancer and Scorpio can help Pisces, with Leo and Aries helping Sagittarius.

Nov 27: the 25-degree point is activated again, this time in the signs of Scorpio and Aries who are at odds with each other. Finances or the portfolio is subject to unexpected change. Today is one of those days where things do not go as expected, but are better if you can adjust. Your loved one may be more interested in money than romance.

Nov 28: Moon goes into Aries.

Nov 28 USA: Last focus date of a cycle that began March 11, repeated May 1 this year of 2017. Opportunity to balance the budget, to include stability and security for many.

Nov 29: nice, easy day, especially for the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, followed by Gemini Libra and Aquarius.

Nov 30: Moon goes into Taurus.

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