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May 24, 2018

USA Cancelled North Korea Meeting

Announced 24 May 2018

First, the planets for May 24 suggest good situations with men and those in authority, along with reorganization or a shake-up of a  situation thought to be ideal. Astrologese at the end of the article.

One of the progressions in the USA chart reveals the President is in a strong and favorable position to negotiate with allies & enemies for the betterment of the USA.

Transits reveal a nuclear nation changing (to say the least!) its attitude, resulting in the USA adjusting, resulting in the cancellation of the talks. Also revealed is the USA President made changes because of news or communication that was unstable and somewhat crazy. The belligerent ally or enemy triggered the change by the President. A favorable indication is this is for the best of the USA and the population.

Astrologese: the USA progressed Saturn in Capricorn in the 11th house is trine natal Venus in Cancer in the 7th house of allies and enemies. Transiting Pluto is traveling through the USA second house of self esteem, quincunx natal Mars in the 7th house of allies and enemies. Transiting Mars in Aquarius is travel through the 2nd house of self esteem, quincunx natal Venus in the 7th house of allies and enemies and trine the midheaven in Libra. The Sun today is 3 Gemini, raveling through the 6th house of service workers, trine the midheaven. Transiting Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter are not aspecting, or related to the chart.

Transiting Mars will conjunct the USA South Node June 3 through the 7th, so let’s watch to learn what happens. The South Node is the past and in the sign of change and revolution. Remember the USA was founded on a revolution, and created on July 4, 1776.

Transiting Uranus, now at 00 degrees Taurus, will not reach the 3 degree Taurus point until May of 2019. Interesting that Uranus will go into Taurus, the planet of May, in the month of May. More about Uranus in Taurus later .

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