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May 22, 2018

Iran Nuclear Deal: USA withdrawal

The USA withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal on May 8, 2018

 at Washington, DC.

To read the interpretation of the original signing, please go here:
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The day of the withdrawal, May 8, the chart reveals deceit and misunderstanding because of superficial reading of the original Deal, along with strong, stubborn and possibly secret opposition because of money. The planets lead into May 25 when the deceit seems to be reveled or tensions lessened. May 25 also suggests negotiations along with powerful, angry or loud disagreement and news. Compared to the USA chart: The Deal withdrawal shows adjustments to the original Deal being urged on the unstable country. The withdrawal is upsetting to both allies and enemies, requiring an adjustment or re-balancing of global responsibility and re-balancing of power with both allies and enemies. The withdrawal of the Deal compared to the original signing of the Deal: indications are to the death of the agreement, with impulsive communication and anger, and possible opportunity for secret negotiations. The withdrawal from the original Deal could mean the change is beneficial for all.

Astrology of the Deals:

★    Withdrawal of the deal on May 8, 2018. Neptune at 16 Pisces squares Venus at 16 Gemini revealing deceit and misunderstanding because superficial reading of the original Deal. Jupiter at 18 degrees Scorpio is opposite the Sun at 17 degrees Taurus, within one degree. This shows stubborn opposition because of financial concerns. However, Jupiter is in trine with Neptune at 16 degrees Pisces. Even though this is about two degrees apart, Jupiter is retrograde and will be in an exact trine May 25. Perhaps the deceit will be revealed or lessened tensions. When we look at the May 25 planets, Mars at 3 degrees Aquarius is trine the Sun at 4 degrees Gemini, good news indeed, indicating negotiations for the good of all. Pluto is at 21 degrees Capricorn square Mercury at 21 degrees Aries. This indicates powerful, angry or loud disagreement and news.

★    The withdrawal compared to the USA chart: there are two planetary relationships which indicate adjustments to the original Deal. Saturn at 8 degrees Capricorn quincunxes the USA natal Uranus in Gemini. Since Saturn is strong in its own sign, the adjustment is being urged on the unstable country. The situation is upsetting to both allies and enemies, requiring an adjustment or re-balancing of global responsibility. Pluto at 21 Capricorn quincunxes the USA natal Mars at 21 Gemini, revealing re-balancing of power with both allies and enemies. Pluto is the stronger forcing the adjustment. The transiting Moon is conjunct the USA natal Moon at 27 degrees Aquarius, meaning the USA emotionally in synch with the population, with the news spreading world-wide quickly.

★     Iran Deal withdrawal compared with original signing of the Deal
. Saturn of the withdrawal is in Capricorn, opposed to the original Deal Moon in Cancer, indicating the death of the agreement. Deal withdrawal Mercury in Aries is square the original Deal Sun in Cancer, revealing impulsive communication and anger. The withdrawal Pluto is sextile the original Deal Chiron indicating an opportunity for secret negotiations. The withdrawal Uranus is trine the original Deal Venus, meaning the change can be beneficial for all.

May 8, 2018, transiting Uranus was in the last degrees of Aries, signaling the beginning of the end of the Arab Spring uprising and Winter which officially began 18 December 2010 when Uranus was retrograde in the last degrees of Pisces. Mercury was retrograde in the last degrees of Sagittarius square Uranus in Pisces. Mars was conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on 14 & 15 December 2010. However, Uranus entered Aries May 28, 2011, then went retrograde and back into Aries March 13, 2011, with the Arab Spring uprisings continuing through now and being called by some the Arab Winter.
For your personal reading, contact
Patty the Astrologer

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