Hope your Halloween went by with fun and delightful.
The outcome of the election, the selection of the electors, the
installation of the new Congress, the counting of the votes and the
inauguration can be found on my podcast. https://anchor.fm/patty-finlayson.
The article today is focused on the meaning of the word “challenge”
which was used in previous forecasts and in readings The meaning in my
articles is 4, a test. The
person who inadvertently brought this to my attention sometimes acts out
their challenge as b., so no wonder my meaning was misunderstood. From
now, I will use the word “test” for squares.
According to the Free Dictionary, challenge means:
a. A call to engage in a contest, fight, or competition: a challenge to a duel.
b. An act or statement of defiance; a call to confrontation: a challenge to (the government's) authority.
2. A demand for explanation or justification; a calling into question: a challenge to a theory.
3. A sentry's call to an unknown party for proper identification.
4. A test of one's abilities or
resources in a demanding but stimulating undertaking: a career that
offers a challenge. (What I meant).
When a person’s chart is being interpreted, and they have a
90-degree angle or aspect, it is called a square, I had been using the
word challenge to describe a situation, which if ignored, develops into a
crisis. The better word may be test, which requires action.
If this situation is the square aspect between any two of Uranus,
Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn, with one of your natal planets, the
ascendent or midheaven, you have a major challenge or test. If the
square is in your natal or birth chart, the test is life long. If it is
from the transiting, or planets moving in the sky, it is for a specific
time. An astrology reading helps you identify your tests, the reason for
them and the specifics to your life and especially your soul growth.
The outcome of a square, or test, in your life is change; how depending
upon the particulars. Ignoring a square means the decisions are made for
you instead of being managed by you. When you manage your squares, they
can result in harmony and good change instead of crises. Edgar Cayce
called these either stepping stones or stumbling blocks. How are they
for you? For instance, a square with Saturn can mean you are unable to
move or you recognize you need to take responsibility and action.
In my interpretations, the meaning of relationship a. is usually phrased one-on-one interaction. In
astrology this is an opposition, which is when any two (or more)
planets are 180 degrees apart or visually opposite each other in the
chart. Again, if it is in your natal chart, you are being asked to
balance that kind of relationship and is life long. If it is from a
transiting planet, someone would becoming into your life to activate a
situation requiring balance and cooperation. Oppositions are only
interactions or relationships, and by themselves are not difficult or
People ask if a natal difficult situation (square) or relationship
(opposition) ever goes away. In my personal experience, the situation or
relationship aspect remains but the situation or people change. Your
purpose with difficult astrology aspects is to grow spiritually, paving
the back Home. I’ll give a personal example from my chart:
My natal Saturn is conjunct my natal Moon and square my natal Mars.
Saturn represents a parent, responsibility, restriction or restraint,
contraction. When I was a child and youth, my mother put responsibility
on me very young and taught me to learn the consequences of my actions.
Also, I was not allowed to drive (Mars) until I was 17, when that age
did not raise my parent’s car insurance. We were not given cars back
then. As a teenager and under 21, I was the one who took responsibility
for whatever the action was and usually drove. Even later, the
opportunity for the dress shop business came, and I took the
responsibility for that for over 16 years. Later yet, I accepted the
responsibility for volunteer positions with Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., which
included much responsibility. At this time of COVID-19, these natal
aspects are keeping me secluded, for responsibility for others. One
thing I need to learn with this Saturn/Mars square is to go far enough;
especially driving, because sometimes I do not drive far enough to make
the turn.. The energy of Saturn restricts the energy of Mars. In some
instances in my life that has been a really good thing.
The opposition means others. My natal chart has one opposition: N
Uranus is opposite my ascendant. This means unusual people come into my
life to stimulate my mind and then move on. And... I am a free person
and do not even recognize when someone tries to control. Since I only
have that one opposition in my chart, when I see a transiting opposition
coming, I look forward to learn who it may be and how we will interact.
There is more, but that is enough. A reading with Patty can clarify your personal situations.
To comment or make suggestions, please contact Patty personally, keeping your privacy. Allowing comments attracts scammers and those who want to sell me things. Thank you.