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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Nov 21, 2020

Pandemic still intense. Nov 22 through Nov 29 2020

The pandemic planets are still close together, indicating continued intensity of the virus. Neptune the confuser is in tense relationship with purpose, which is clear communication and stay close to home this will pass! This means communication is confused, incomplete and can be misleading or false. Be discerning.

*    Nov 22: USA: Transiting Venus goes into the house of Congress, hopefully indicating harmony and agreement with the House and the Senate.  Venus the harmonizer will be there through about Dec. 11.

*    Nov 23: good news about a virus vaccine and medicine, revealing the research is successful. Personally, Scorpio and Pisces offer good news and calm. Cancer also has a good day. Taurus senses good relationship focus, Virgo may be irritated with vagueness. However, a good day for all.

*    Nov 23 USA:: Congress has good news for both health issues and working people. A law or agreement is successful. The sitting president may agree to an agreement, treaty or law.

*    Nov 24 continuation of the virus good news. Moon goes into Aries, and to a good relationship with the Sun, indicating a nice day for everybody, but especially for the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

*    Nov 24 USA: a higher court does not agree with the sitting president and makes an adjustment.

*    Nov 25: Attempt by the researchers to stop premature, impulsive actions. Scorpio may try to help Aries, to no avail.  Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio, with Sagittarius helping Aries.  This is a see-saw quincunx day with minor interruptions.

*    Nov 25 USA: good news regarding the office of the presidency, perhaps from or involving a higher court.

*    Nov 26: yesterday’s caution changes to optimism regarding health. Moon goes into Taurus and conjuncts Uranus, with a flurry of excitement for an hour or two, unexpectedly from Taurus.  Good day for the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

*    Nov 26 USA: first, congress makes an adjustment that affects the “home office of the White House. Then the president of office of the presidency creates a good situation for the population via a law or executive order. Then favorable communication from or about a higher court. Overall a good day for the country.

*    Nov 27: good news from the researchers regarding the pandemic, perhaps fewer deaths. However, someone - perhaps a researcher - opposes change or impulsive actions. Scorpio and Capricorn successfully coordinate efforts successfully; but Scorpio opposes Taurus.  Sun and moon in the see-saw, quincunx, relationship, indicating a day with unexpected, but persistent interruptions. Flexibility is the key.

*    Nov 27 USA: from behind the scenes, or a court decision, adjusts yesterday’s development. Also, a good financial announcement.

*    Nov 28: Neptune goes direct at 18 degrees Pisces, beginning to move from that stuck degree or position. If you have this degree in your chart, it will be activated; how depending upon the planetary relationships. A short consultation with Patty can help you be informed. Also today, more good news from the researchers about the pandemic. Personally, Scorpio and Capricorn again successfully cooperate. Good day for everyone.

*    Nov 28 USA: the sitting president attempts to adjust a health or worker situation, but may be stymied by congress.

*    Nov 29: another attempt to slow down impulsive actions. This is one of those see-saw quincunx days when things do not go as expected, asking you to be flexible. When you are flexible, the day is better than expected. Sagittarius and Taurus have a crazy day. Moon goes into Gemini, adding communication and hopefully diplomacy.  Gemini has the talent of perceiving all of the situation and communicating clearly to help.

*    Nov 29 USA: from behind the scenes, or secretly, disputes finances or money.

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