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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

May 9, 2021

Celestial forecast May 10 to May 16 2021

Advance notice: full Moon eclipse May 26; Mercury goes retrograde May 29.

All week several planets are in Gemini, indicating a lot of sparkly communication about the siblings, news and the internet. Gemini is active, possibly opposing Sagittarius, but they enjoy spirited conversations. Virgo and Pisces may be irritated with the fast pace of communications. Pluto is still at 26 degrees of Capricorn, so if you have this degree in your chart it is activated, how depending upon the planetary relationships. This week also sees many planets in Taurus which can be calming and common sense. This means the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn have a good work week. However it also means Scorpio has relationship focus on money or possessions. Cancer is active and initiatory all week, putting ideas into action with family or extended family.

May 10: nice day with positive communications and about communications or internet. The Chinese spacecraft debris safely landed in the Indian Ocean yesterday. Gemini is communicative, sparkly and gentle. Gemini and Aries talk about new inventions or new activities.

May 11: day may begin with a need to adjust to family issues because of the past, or people from the past impulsively contact you, requiring you to adjust and when you do things go well. Opportunity for good family situations for stability. Cancer is assertive and cooperating with Taurus but may challenge Aries. Global family situations have the opportunity to be solved or at least on the way to solution. New Moon in Taurus. Focus on money, food and sex. Now is the time to plant in your outside garden because the possibly of frost should be over. Good for Taurus to begin practical activities and finances. Scorpio may experience opposition or at least control issues over money, along with Leo and Aquarius. Virgo and Capricorn have a good work day. Cancer and Pisces have the opportunity to redo finances or food. Aries and Gemini are neutral. Libra and Sagittarius  adjust to slower and practical activities.

May 11 USA: the president creates a good situation with the work force or health, which is well received. Could be another court case or count re-affirms the presidential vote count is accurate as it is.

May 12: opportunity to put into reality an ideal situation that had been unsettled. Good day for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, followed by cancer and Pisces. Scorpio and Taurus talk about money. Leo and Aquarius may be asked for financial accounting or have a mild control issue. Great communication amongst the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Moon goes into Gemini joining Venus, North Node and Mercury adding to the sparkly conversation.

May 12 USA: verbal or news opposition to the May 11 happening, which is re-affirmed yet again.

May 13: opportunity for practical application to solve a humanitarian situation. Taurus and Pisces cooperate to put into reality Pisces creative idea. Virgo and Capricorn can help with detail and timing. Cancer and Scorpio can help with initiative and financial planning.

May 13: Jupiter goes into Pisces to July 29 when it goes retrograde at 00 Pisces or 29 Aquarius. We may have a glimmer of how Jupiter may expand humanitarian and creative situations. Jupiter is the patron planet of expansion and Pisces is the sign of compassion, creativity and spirituality. Governments and organizations may expand their humanitarian  activities and the movies and theaters may expand to include all patrons.

May 14: Moon goes into Cancer, joining Mars and adding energy to family affairs.

May 14 USA: an opportunity and attempt by the president to balance finances, and good news regarding foreign affairs.

May 15: what happened May 11 is adjusted and possibly part of it curtailed because of finances. Aquarius adjusts to family issues or because of a family-type situation. Gemini and Libra can help Aquarius see all sides to the situation , with Libra offering diplomacy.

May 15 USA: strong activity to come to an agreement with an foreign ally or enemy. The president urges change regarding the workforce and health, meaning the pandemic and possibly opening the country again to being social.

May 16 USA: adjustment to the family immigrant situation because of an existing law or agreement, possibly allowing more unaccompanied minors to be with their relatives already here. 

Contact Patty the Astrologer for your own personal, accurate forecast.

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