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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jun 29, 2023

July 4 weekend forecast


June 26 to July 3, 2023

The following are general predictions from the planets in the sky relating with one another. Your week ahead will likely be different and specific for you when the planets in the sky are interpreted to your personal chart. Patty can help you interpret your week, month or year ahead.

Venus and Mars are still together in generous, dramatic Leo, meaning love life should be creative and romantically enjoyable, albeit with control issues, especially between Leo, Taurus and Aquarius. Aries and Sagittarius invited to creative social happenings, along with Gemini and Libra. Cancer and Virgo are neutral, Pisces and Capricorn adjust to requests for attention. Attention to continuing stabilization of money is emphasized by Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, revealing the attempted changes.

June 26: quarter Moon in the signs of Libra and Cancer, meaning a day of change for them and Aries and Capricorn. Also, challenging, stressful day with control issues over money. The extravagant situations need to be let go. Control issues between Leo and Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius. Light-hearted news clashes with the established way of being. Gemini and Capricorn out of sorts, needing to accommodate each other’s points of view. Mercury goes into Cancer joining the Sun, with communication focusing on family, housing, food and comfort. Your Cancer friends may be more talkative.

June 27: there could be good talk about balancing money between the everyday and the long-term. Cancer, Scorpio and Taurus have quietly good communication.

June 28: Moon goes into Scorpio, joining the South Node, which is in the sign of money and harmonious with Cancer and Pisces, who have a nice day. Scorpio attracts people and situations from the past. The stronger energy is that family situations are good, with creative renovations going smoothly. Good day for the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

June 29: like yesterday.

June 30: Neptune goes retrograde at 27 degrees Pisces 41 minutes, and if you have 27 or 26 degrees in your chart, it will be activated, depending upon Neptune’s relationship with your planets. Moon goes into peacemaker Sagittarius, with conversation about travel, international affairs, higher education and higher spirituality.

July 4 weekend

July 1: nice day with lots of communication, family activities, travel good. Moon still in traveling Sagittarius, so enjoy gadding about.

July 2: Moon goes into serious Capricorn, so some may go to work today. Slight tension because some want to spend too much money for others, and this is mild. Compromise?

The weekend includes the full Moon July 3, so be careful! The Full Buck Moon, when the new antlers of buck deer push out from their foreheads in coatings of velvety fur. It was also often called the Full Thunder Moon, thunderstorms being now most frequent. Sometimes also called the Full Hay Moon. Full Moon in the signs of Capricorn and Cancer, who will feel it the most with impulsive changes, as will Libra and Aries. The areas of the body for this full Moon are the knees, bones, skin, breasts and stomach. Taurus and Virgo may help Capricorn, with Scorpio and Pisces helping Cancer.

July 4: Moon goes into friendly Aquarius, with friends joining the festivities. The weekend ends well. Have fun.


There is a wonderful transit phase beginning June 8, through and including July 23, indicating the chance of cooperation between the idealistic and the practical realistic to transform finances for the good of the country. Much of this may be accomplished behind the scenes and not in the news until getting to the House Floor. This phase is in effect all of June, July and half of August this year of 2023. Then more is worked on, to be visible around March 22, 2024, again October 2024, through January of 2025. Let us hope this does continue. (We who study the Cayce readings know the first lesson in the spiritual development encouraged by the readings is Cooperation. Let us continue!).

The major, outer, planetary relationships with the USA chart are good through 2024, meaning there should be no calamities. However, transiting Pluto will continue to finish the transformation of what we perceive as secure entities, such as those apartment buildings falling apart, unsafe bridges, banks and corporations reaping consequences of insecure practices, which will get fixed by the end of 2024.

The I-95 situation in Philadelphia is a classic example, which is supposedly fixed and able to drive on quickly with innovative materials. This is close to where I live. We’ll hear more about failing infrastructures and other entities, which may be the consequences of using shoddy materials, etc. in their production.

Another quiet phase begins June 21, indicating stress over the budget, trying to balance the income and expenses. Re-focuses November 26, with the phase ending Feb. 23, 2024.

Classes and events.

July 22, Saturday, 1:00 pm EDT. In person, Wilmington, Delaware. Herbs and other healing foods and your horoscope. Contact Patty to save your place. Tuition $30.00 USD. 

Enjoy your personal, helpful and confidential reading with Patty. This is easy, Just contact her for your phone call to arrange your reading. Readings are on zoom or phone and recorded so you can hear your helpful forecast again and again. 

Jun 15, 2023

Frost and New Moon in Taurus


Frost the day before.



You would have read in our Newsletter the week of May 14 to wait until the New moon in Taurus to plant your spring plants outdoors. Every once in a while, it is nice to have our predictions verified, which is what we are doing today.

 From AP News this morning, June 14:

This frost was on May 18:

 SHELBURNE, Vt. (AP) — Vineyards and apple orchards across the Northeast are still gauging damage from a late-season frost in May that wiped out a third to most of the crop for some growers who say it’s the worst frost damage they have ever seen.

 Written in our newsletter for the week of May 14: 

May 19: new Moon in Taurus, usually safe to plant outdoor plants to avoid frost. I’ve tested this and it seems to be true, in spite of the temperature. Adds energy to all the Taurus planets and a good day for Taurus to begin a new project, and good for Virgo and Capricorn. Challenging day for Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius; nice day for Cancer and Pisces, a day of adjusting for Sagittarius and Libra because of delays. Then the Moon goes into Gemini, helping tense situation for Aquarius.

Although I am not a specific weather astrologer, I have learned about the new moon in Taurus. My astrology expertise, with my life experience and intuition, is personal guidance for you.


Meetings and Events all Eastern Daylight Time

You are invited to join us:

  Tuesday's ongoing, 7:00 pm EDT, on Zoom. Edgar Cayce study Group. John VanAuken's Enlightenment lesson, “Spirit is the life, Mind is the Builder, Physical is the Result,” with prayer-meditation. Free. Contact Patty to receive Zoom link.

June 17, Saturday, 1:00 pm EDT, in person, Wilmington, DE. Professional-level astrology meeting. Chart correction without the math. Tuition $30.00. Topics the quincunx. Contact Patty to reserve your place. Space is limited.

June 25, Sunday, 11:00 am EDT, on Zoom. Tuition $30.00. Intermediate level astrology class. Topic: recognize and interpret relationships natally and by transit. Your horoscope is used in class. Relationships include all possibilities: spouse, children, friends, bosses, co-workers, siblings and more. Learn how they fit in your life via your horoscope and possible past-life relationship with them. Contact Patty to reserve your place and the zoom link.

 We are interested in what topics you are interested in for future zoominars.

Feel free to email Patty with your thoughts. Thank you.