These two weeks portend unsatisfactory days, irritation and incompleteness.
Advance notice:
Neptune goes retrograde June 18 at 16 degrees Pisces 29 minutes
Mars goes retrograde June 26 at 9 degrees 13 minutes, goes direct Aug 27
Repeating or hot degrees 15 and 16 degree Scorpio and Pisces= June 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 20, and 27.
If you have either of these degrees in your chart, they will be activated.
Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces continue to be close enough to be harmonious, indicating financial reorganization for the higher good is possible. But this can be overshadowed by the see-saw days.
June 1: see-saw Sun and Moon, which is “one of those days” when things do not go as expected. Capricorn and Gemini are not communicating well, but Gemini can adapt. Also, communication of new or future ideas are understood and accepted, especially with the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Finances seem good; your loved one is in good spirits and family life is pleasant. The fixed signs of Scorpio and Aquarius may experience management issues, followed by Leo and Taurus. Otherwise, all signs have an enjoyable day. Today Jupiter is at 15 degrees Scorpio.
June 1 USA: mild opportunity to balance finances.
June 2: Moon goes into Aquarius. Yesterday’s good communication is adjusted to be more practical. Gemini may think they are being stopped, but are only being asked to be more practical or timely. Good day for family plans. Good day for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn have mild opportunities for a vacation-type escapist day. Neptune is at 16 degrees Pisces.
June 2: USA; More adjustments in relations with allies, with possible surprising news.
June 3: pleasant Sun and Moon in the signs of Aquarius and Gemini, who have a good day, followed by Libra. Leo may have a mild control issue, as may Scorpio and Taurus. Aquarius and Gemini are social signs, so today may be fun, with all invited
June 4: No exact astrological aspects.
June 4 USA: Opposition or controversy about legal or court issues.
June 5: Moon goes into Pisces, joining Neptune. Jupiter at 15 degrees Scorpio, the Sun and Mercury at 15 degrees Gemini. Gemini is busy communicating, but Scorpio is balking, asking Gemini to adjust. Not a good day for anyone to make decisions because of interruptions or changes. Opposition between family needs and career. Cancer and Capricorn interact, with Capricorn feeling smothered by Cancer, or asked to be with family, but career or business demands their time. Scorpio and Pisces can help Cancer, with Taurus and Virgo helping Capricorn.
June 5 USA: continued mild controversy from June 4th, although good situation with foreign allies and perhaps the Supreme Court. The President may be touchy about the homeland, so this could be immigration issues. Transiting Mars is conjunct the USA south node in Aquarius, revealing activation of past issues or mistakes. In a personal chart, past or past-life situations would be activated, so in the USA chart it could be past issues of mass immigration which happened in the 1920's when my Irish family immigrated through Ellis Island. This repeats July 17 and Oct 17 because Mars goes retrograde June 26. Let’s observe how today works out so you have an idea of how the cycle will progress. By the end of the day communication or the news should have the facts, with sane reporting.
June 6 & 7 the Sun and Mercury at 16 degrees Gemini; Neptune at 16 degrees Pisces..
June 6: (D-Day) quarter Moon in the signs of Pisces and Gemini, who are irritated with each other followed by Virgo. Communication today is vague, incomplete and may be deceitful or misleading. Libra and Aquarius may help Gemini be clearer; Cancer and Scorpio can help Pisces’ sensitivity. Gemini is not understood or talking too much. This goes into tomorrow.
June 7: Moon goes into Aries. The one in authority is proposing something that is not clear or is misleading and not accepted. Previous plans may fall apart, and if so because of deceit. Difficult day for Gemini and Pisces, followed by Virgo. Again, Libra and Aquarius can help Gemini, with Cancer and Scorpio helping Pisces.
June 7 USA: opportunity for good, ideal foreign relations.
June 8: see-saw day: another “one of those days” full of interrupting communications, perhaps from Gemini or a very talkative person. Another day to put off making decisions. Gemini is thwarted again by the one in power who demands a practical plan. This is similar to June 2 but stronger. Libra and Aquarius can help Gemini, with Taurus and Virgo helping Capricorn.
June 8 USA: the touchiness of June 5 is replaced with good news all around..
June 9: Finally, a pleasant day, with the Sun and Moon revealing the opportunity for fresh, innovative ideas. Good day for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Libra may experience a mild challenge. Gemini and Aquarius have a good day also.
June 9 USA: news is incomplete, vague and could be untrue. There could be unrealistic requests from either the workforce or health-care industries. Wait until June 11 before believing.
June 10: Moon goes into Taurus.
June 10 USA: opportunity to “heal the land,” which could be a positive environmental success, maybe the Hawaii volcano will stop erupting, or the workforce is happy with improved conditions.
June 11: yet another “one of those days.” The one in authority is again trying to put forth a plan and is asked to be more practical or realistic by the financial controller. Negotiations are not satisfactory and need to be tweaked or adjusted. Especially frustrating for Gemini who can ask Libra for balance and Aquarius for the future.
June 11 USA: news or communication is mixed and changeable because of new facts revealed as the day progresses.
June 12: Moon goes into Gemini joining the Sun. Mercury goes into Cancer through June 29, slowing the flurry of talk and communications. Thinking and conversation turn to family and feelings. Cancer is more talkative and puts forth plans, Scorpio and Pisces benefit from Cancer’s leadership; Aries and Libra may enjoy challenging ideas, with Capricorn experiencing tension between family and career. Gemini and Leo are neutral. Sagittarius and Aquarius adjust to communication being more touchy-feely. Taurus and Virgo have opportunities to interact with Cancer’s ideas and offer practical perspective.
June 12 USA: Could be a Supreme Court decision about land or the environment, or could be an announcement of an allegiance or break with an ally or enemy. Venus is conjunct the USA Part of Fortune in Cancer in the 8th house of money, so it would be good if the House and Senate would put a bill through to help mothers or families.
June 13: new Moon in the sign of Gemini and time for Gemini to finally communicate their ideas to be understood and accepted. Libra and Aquarius have a good day, but Sagittarius may see opposition. Taurus and Cancer are neutral. Virgo and Pisces may be irritated with the rapid pace of conversation. Aries and Leo have the opportunity to be included. Scorpio and Capricorn adjust to very fast news.
June 13: Venus goes into Leo through July 10, adding drama to your love life. Your loved one is ardent but may be demanding. Leo is interested in grand social events that could be expensive. Aquarius experiences a demanding partner, and Scorpio and Taurus experience control issues over money. Cancer and Virgo are neutral. Aries and Sagittarius enjoy daring romance. Capricorn and Pisces adjust to their loved ones being more assertive or expensive. Gemini and Libra are invited to the extravaganza.
June 13 USA: Attempts to deal with a foreign entity fails.
June 14: Moon goes into Cancer joining Mercury. Finances are an issue, with control issues over spending and frugalness. Taurus and Leo, followed by Scorpio and Aquarius all have financial control issues. Virgo and Capricorn can help Taurus, with Aries and Sagittarius helping Leo. Gemini and Libra are the diplomats of the zodiac, who can help everybody by seeing all facets of the situations and offering balance.
June 14 USA: Could be a small finance bill passing, but not well received.
June 15: communication is opposed by the boss or the established elder, who opposes giving in to feelings. Tension between family and career. Cancer is thwarted by Capricorn, with Aries and Libra experiencing challenging communications. Scorpio and Pisces can help Cancer, with Virgo and Taurus helping Capricorn.
June 16 Moon goes into Leo joining Venus, drama indeed. Aquarius experiences opposition or a demanding relationship. Scorpio and Taurus have financial control issues. Otherwise, “one of those days” with communication too emotional for the group leader. Best to wait to make decisions. Cancer irritates Aquarius (they may do this anyway). Mars is in Aquarius meaning Taurus and Scorpio have stubborn control issues about the project.
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