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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jul 23, 2018

Century’s longest Lunar Eclipse July 27 2018

Century’s longest Lunar Eclipse July 27 2018
With Mars conjunct the Moon oppose the Sun
Mercury goes retrograde July 26 at the edge of its boundary

Adding to the excitement on eclipse night … this eclipse will happen on the same night that Earth is passing between the Sun and Mars, placing Mars at opposition in our sky. Mercury goes retrograde the day before at 23 degrees Leo 27 minutes, on the outer edge of its boundaries, making it “on the edge” of being out of bounds.

To read a detailed scientific article complete with diagrams, please go to: The eclipse will be visible in the Eastern Hemisphere. The above article contains a link to viewing it from your computer along with the diagram of visibility,

What does this mean for you? You already know Mars is retrograde. People  are telling me about car and truck accidents because of going in reverse, just like Mars. But what about the eclipse and Mars? For your personal quick explanation, please contact Patty.

Since this is a long full Moon eclipse with Mars joining the party, expect a more-active than usual full-Moon day. The areas of the body for this full Moon are the heart, upper back, calves of the legs, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Mars involves the head and possible violence, at least pushy, demanding behavior from groups or crowds. Watch the news of the Eastern Hemisphere.

The eclipse is in the signs of Leo and Aquarius at 4 degrees, with Mars at 3 degrees Aquarius, conjunct the Moon of the eclipse. If you have 2, 3, 4 or 5 degree planet or point in your chart, it will be activated. How depends upon the signs involved. Mercury went retrograde April 15 2018 at 4 degrees of Aries, so this eclipse may positivily activate those energies. Look to your happenings on April 15 to get an idea of what may be activated.

Leo and Aquarius experience stubborn control issues. Aquarius especially will be energetically trying to push their agenda. The other fixed signs of Taurus and Scorpio experience control situations. Leo is in trine with Aries and Sagittarius, and in sextile with Gemini and Libra, so these signs should have a good day and may help Leo and Aquarius. Leo is quincunx or see saw with Capricorn and Pisces, so they may have a day when things do not go as expected. Aquarius is in quincunx or see-saw with Cancer and Virgo so they may also have an active see-saw day.

Mercury will have gone retrograde the day before at 23 degrees Leo 27 minutes, at the edge of its boundaries and may be more erratic than usual. If you have a 22 or 23 degree planet or point in your chart it will be activated. For those of you who have a retrograde Mercury in your natal chart, expect good things now through Aug 19 when Mercury goes direct. Since Mercury is at the edge of its boundary, it will be more daring and in the sign of Leo more dramatic. Leo may be more demanding, generous or extravagant; Aquarius experiences stubborn opposition, Taurus and Scorpio are frustrated because of controlled delays. Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo be more playful; Gemini and Libra can diplomatically smooth things; Cancer and Virgo are neutral; Capricorn and Pisces adjust to demands;

Enjoy your busy last few days of July, at least it will not be boring!

For a quickie personal interpretation, please contact Patty.  

Patty's webpage:  

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