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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Nov 3, 2019

Nov 4 through Nov 11 2019

Nov 4 through Nov 11

Mercury is retrograde through November 20. The USA has a retrograde Mercury in the natal chart, with this a good time for negotiations and signing of papers. For those of you with a retrograde Mercury in your chart, this is a good time for signing of papers and agreements. 

Capricorn is the sign in charge this week with the, South Node, Saturn and Pluto all in this sign and in good planetary relationship with the other planets except for Mars, who stirs things up on some days. The Moon begins in Capricorn, too. Expect to view the consequences of past actions while the South Node is in Capricorn, with Pluto dragging things up from the muck and Saturn demanding accountability. This is globally, not specifically for you. Contact Patty to learn if, when and how you may be affected.

11/4: quarter Moon in the signs of Aquarius and Scorpio, who most experience control issues, with Taurus and Leo having a tense day with control issues. Gemini and Libra can help Aquarius, with Cancer and Pisces helping Scorpio.

11/4 USA: opposition from the office of the president or from him personally regarding an office or home. From behind the scenes an adjustment or change regarding the president himself or an ally.

11/5: see-saw day when things do not go as planned, asking you to adjust to minor changes, usually interruptions. Glitches in travel plans, be sure to triple-check your arrangements. Sagittarius is stymied by Taurus slowness and carefulness. Aries and Leo can help Sagittarius, with Virgo and Capricorn helping Taurus. Also, very tense, fast day with leadership crisis; Mars is stirring things up. Someone is pushing for diplomacy or cooperation and is being resisted. The established person in power has the power, so pushing too far is not a good idea. Libra and Capricorn have a tense day, followed by Cancer and Aries. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra, with Virgo and Taurus helping Capricorn. Moon goes into Pisces.

11/5 USA: last day of a cycle that began and was active between March 3 and April 20,2019. Last adjustment or tweak of a legal situation that could involve the Supreme Court or immigration. House of Representatives legal dealings go smoothly and presidential plans also go smoothly. These seem to be separate from each other.

11/6: nice day with the Sun and Moon in harmony indicating a nice day for everyone, especially for the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

11/6 USA: mild adjustments to worker situation, possibly one of the strikes.

11/7: no exact astrology aspect

11/7 USA: quite but positive: an opportunity for the USA to balance past life traits of rebellion or giving everything away to the purpose of the nation to be self sufficient and proud.

11/8: The one in authority creates an opportunity for success and may smooth the tension from Nov 5. The one in authority also is in the right place at the right time of implement an ideal or creative project, or to bring about harmony from Nov 5. Another opportunity is created by an older, admired person or the big boss for the ideal solution. Good day for Scorpio, Pisces.

11/8: USA: opposition from many demanding money; the worker strike situation again.

11/9: see-saw day full of impulsive interruptions, asking you to adjust.

11/9 USA: transiting Saturn goes into the second house of income, indicating less income to the USA, asking the congress to be financially prudent and reduce unnecessary expenses. This will last two and a half years. I just came through this and know to be prudent and lay the foundation for secure income in the future when Saturn goes through the second house.

11/10; Moon goes into Taurus.

11/10 USA: either the office of the President or the president loudly challenges a legal agreement.

11/11: much financial communication, possibly from Scorpio who is more talkative than ususal. Taurus may experience opposition, with Leo and Aquarius experiencing stubborn financial situations. Cancer and Pisces have a good day; Virgo and Capricorn may have an opportunity to be included in financial conversation or have the opportunity for a good bargain. Libra and Sagittarius are neutral, with Aries and Gemini adjusting to either serious conversation or request for financial accounting.

11/11 USA: a nice transit indicating he nation is acting a little softer and seems more likable. This is the nation itself and its population. Maybe a softer outlook towards the immigrants.

To enjoy your personal interpretation please contact Patty the Astrologer.

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