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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Mar 19, 2020

A little good astrology news about COVID-19

The planets are moving into slightly better relationships.

Today March 19, transiting Uranus has moved to a good relations to the north and south nodes indicating the opportunity for COVID-19 to abate. Why? Changes apparently necessary are in the process of happening. What changes? The move away from greed and too much work towards family and caring for others.

On the afternoon of March 21, Mercury and the Moon will be together at the same four degrees in the sign of Pisces, in good relationship to the north node of family and to the South Node of work and stability. This time the South Node of the past is interpreted as responsibility and stability, so the situation will slowly begin to stabilize.

March 22 Venus moves into a favorable position with Neptune, indicating the opportunity for help to small business to bring a little security. The Moon is also with Neptune, urging compassion to help those in need and perhaps a focus on religion or spirituality. Maybe what we are interpreting is religions will be helping. 

We knew that when Uranus went into Taurus May 2018 there would be financial changes. Well, this situation has certainly changed finance and business world-wide. We have written that the planetary line-up in Capricorn signified restriction or consolidation and the reaping of karma. The virus has brought all this about. This line-up began January 2018 when Saturn and Pluto were in Capricorn, added to March, April and May 2018 when Mars went into Capricorn, abated a little in September 2018 when Mars went into Aquarius, picked up December 2019 when Jupiter went into Capricorn, increased February 2020 when Mars went into Capricorn again. All this Capricorn could indicate the good building of corporations, infrastructure and stable entities. However, the South Node of the past went into Capricorn November 2018 revealing the other side of Capricorn which is greed, selfishness and restrictions. The news revealed that when the airlines were bailed out, they used the money to buy back their own stock, meaning selfishness instead of improving the safety of their airplanes. Combined with Pluto in Capricorn, it signaled the death of what were considered stable and secure entities. With Jupiter in Capricorn we should have expected restrictions in travel, but this is extreme,

Another meaning of both Saturn and Pluto: they are the planets of death, along with the sign of Capricorn. When this is over there will symbolic deaths of ways of life and hopefully re-birth of family, food and caring for others.

To discover how this will affect you please contact Patty for a short interpretation.

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