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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Mar 28, 2020

Corona virus, Age of Aquarius and the Capricorn planetary line-up.

Corona virus, Age of Aquarius
and the Capricorn planetary line-up.

These are connected. We have talked several times how the current chaos is because the Age of Pisces is receding and the Age of Aquarius is incoming causing sort of a whirlpool of chaos. The Age of Aquarius cannot be entered with the baggage of the old age, and true to itself, is eager (like a lightening bolt) to bring change to mankind and the planet. The planetary line-up in Capricorn indicates we have a lot of baggage or karma waiting to leave. As each Age reaches its end, what were good beginnings become the exaggeration or excess of those beginnings. The Age of Aquarius brings freedom, inclusiveness, and equality.

To explain further:

★   Moses brought the people out of Egypt, leaving the Age of Taurus symbolized by the bull, and into the Age of Pisces, symbolized by the Ram or lamb. They had to leave behind the past baggage of worship of idols. Moses also brought in the Law of God, law and order, adventure, war and fire. As the age of Aries neared its end, the excesses of war, killing (both people and animal sacrifice) had to end, along with death sentences for what we consider slight offenses.

★   Jesus brought people out of the Age of Aries into the Age of Pisces, symbolized by fishes and water. The karma of Aries was too much killing for sacrifice and strict laws and order that crushed the people. Jesus brought in love & forgiveness, lessened the burdensome laws and asked us to love one another. The excesses of the Age of Pisces are fanaticism, exclusion and dependency.

★   We are at the stargate of the Age of Aquarius. What does this have to do with the Capricorn planetary line-up? The Capricorn line-up symbolizes karma that must be met. Capricorn in excess symbolizes fear, security, ambition & avarice, limitation, contraction and strict law and order. The line-up includes the South Node, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, Mars, and in December the Sun, emphasizing the qualities and the mistakes of Capricorn. Why mistakes? Because the South Node in Capricorn symbolizes the past that comes back to be corrected, or karma. I had been writing that something would be contracted (Saturn) but did not expect the pandemic. Should have, with Pluto in the line-up.

★   Capricorn and Saturn symbolize the building of solid walls to enclose things for security and order. Aquarius symbolizes breaking through those walls for fresh air and freedom. Capricorn, Saturn and Pluto are symbols of death, symbolic or emotional and physical. In nature a seed needs to die before a plant or tree can become, so in man’s lives, at least a symbolic death of the out-worn needs to happen before understanding and spiritual growth becomes.

★   Let’s look at each planet in the line-up:

   ○   South Node in Capricorn: the past or karma, bringing to our attention ambition greed, symbolic slavery to perceived security, work to the detriment of family and the environment. (North Node in Cancer).

   ○   Saturn: Stable structures or entities, patriarchal society; the old and out-warn which is considered stable and permanent, big business, fall or collapse of businesses or people, using people, things and the environment for one's self.

   ○   Pluto: power, dictators, plagues and viruses and mobs. Have you noticed that demonstrations are ended because of the lockdown?

   ○   Jupiter expands what sign it is in; in this case expands the contraction, meaning excess constriction or contraction of out-worn entities. Jupiter also symbolizes big money, so it is contracted.

   ○   Mars: the ability to work, fever, war, violent or sudden death, the military. As the old patron planet or ruler of Scorpio, intensifies Pluto in action.

★   The beginning of December, Venus joined Pluto, indicating the virus, even though not publicized, would have seemed mild. The end of December the first seemingly mild cases would have been seen. Perhaps this is when the Chinese doctor discovered it but was silenced. Jupiter also joined Capricorn indicating it would be wide-spread. However, Neptune was in opportunity or sextile to Jupiter, hiding the news.

★   In January, Saturn and Pluto came together, exactly the 7th through the 23rd when the seriousness of the virus and deaths became evident.

★   February 17 Mars joined Capricorn, indicating rapid spread and perhaps unexpected deaths.

★   Now we are in March. Mercury went into Capricorn the 4th, revealing news was spreading fast. The 20th Mars and Jupiter were together, indicating quick and unexpected spreading. The 23rd Mars and Saturn were together, or conjunct, indicating more death. However, March 28 should see an easing, with supplies becoming available. Mars goes into Aquarius March 30, with either many deaths, more people going back to work, or announcements of resumption of work. Also, the military may be available to help.

★   Saturn went into Aquarius March 21st, when social distancing went into effect, giving us a glimpse of independent acting. This was also the time the governments announced massive financial help to the masses or everybody. This bill was signed in the USA March 27. The everyman is symbolized by Aquarius. However Saturn backs into Capricorn July 2 through middle of December, indicating the effects of the virus may linger. The effect could be continued unemployment because of the collapse of businesses.

★   There is hype about Jupiter and Pluto being conjunct on April 4, with the publicized information going back prior decades. This could be many deaths. To my mind, it is more serious with Saturn and Mars conjunct Pluto than Jupiter conjunct Pluto.

★   With all of this, Uranus is in the sign of Taurus, the sign of money. When this is over, our financial systems will have changed. The last time Uranus was in Taurus, the Roosevelt administration brought in the New Deal, which included the CCC, Social Security and Unemployment. Perhaps with the current situation, there will be a world-wide new deal of some kind.

To recap: the planetary line-up in Capricorn, which includes the South Node of karma, Saturn of greed, Pluto of power; Jupiter of excess; the reaping of greed and ambition, excess power, selfishness had to be rectified and we are experiencing it. The Saturn and Pluto conjunction reveals the deadly effects of the virus.

As the planets move into Aquarius, the Age of Aquarius will finally be ushered in. Pluto is the last planet to go into Aquarius, which will be end of March 2023.

Saturn in Aquarius should bring stability to the masses, Jupiter in Aquarius brings prosperity to the masses and Pluto in Aquarius the transformation of financial systems, hopefully for the benefit of the masses. Remember Pluto tears down what is symbolized by the sign it is in (the symbolic death) for resurrection in a new form. We are experiencing the tearing down of what were considered stable entities to be reborn into what will be good for many. This is a process, although forced by the world-wide lockdown because of the virus.

If you would like to join a discussion of this, please email me at and we’ll set up a virtual meeting to do so.

Thank you for reading this long discourse.

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