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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Mar 8, 2020

March 8 through March 15 2020

A caution for everyone: it seems Amazon got hacked. One of the cards I used for amazon is frozen, thank goodness, and there was an attempt for an unauthorized charge. A friend’s Discover card used on Amazon got hit, and another person had everything hit, seemingly from Amazon. I keep the three credit reports frozen, along with every credit card that offers this. Please double-check your cards and take precautions against your information being stolen and used.

The planetary lineup in Capricorn continues: South Node, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, indicating the continued consolidation or restriction of resources. The saving grace is the opportunity for active compassion and careful or loving use of resources to help others. Saturn and Pluto indicate the deaths, but not nearly as many as during the regular flu.

(In the USA chart, the planetary line-up surrounds USA natal Pluto, with the progressed Moon and progressed South Node also in Capricorn! A lot of change for the USA during this time affecting self esteem and assets.)

March 8: could be a lot of rain causing change of plans. The other scenario is ideal or romantic day, especially for Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. It looks like an escape day instead of practical work, with creativity focused, if focused is a good word for Pisces energy. Your loved one may make a surprising change coming from Taurus and upsetting Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius. This part of the day is good for Virgo and Capricorn. Moon goes into Virgo early morning, with Virgo perhaps wanting to work, but not receiving needed detail.

March 8 USA: difficult challenges to the presidency which may be financially related to the virus’ impact on global trade. The challenge is from big business or big banks.

March 9: Mercury goes direct at almost midnight ET at 28 degrees Aquarius. Yay! Wait a few days before rushing to sign documents. It seems the virus will seem to slow down the infection rate. A quietly good day to work on practical projects and maybe even pay attention to the garden or plants. The birds are singing their spring songs. Taurus and Capricorn cooperating in a good project and may invite Virgo. Also good day for Pisces. Scorpio should have a good relationship, but be careful of mild control issues related to money.

March 10: Moon goes into Libra clashing with the Capricorn lineup, indicating a mildly challenging day. The energy focus on balancing relationships, with Libra’s diplomatic talent soothing the day.

March 10 USA: Opportunity for agreement regarding healthcare. Also transiting Mars goes into the second house of the USA money, actually money spent, so there may be expenditure of money, which is promised for the caronovirus situation. Mars will be here through early May 2020.

March 11: opportunity for ideal or creative activities to be fruitful. The opportunity comes from the creative one to the established, practical one in authority. Pisces and Capricorn work well together, with Virgo and Taurus included. Cancer and Scorpio may be involved in the creative, compassionate activity, although Cancer may have an exciting relationship. However, today is a see-saw or quincunx day when things do not go as expected, especially for Libra and Pisces who are off balance with each other. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra, with Cancer and Scorpio helping Pisces.

March 11 USA: challenges with foreign partners or enemies, most likely because of the virus and mild challenges to the balance of payments, because of the expenditure regarding the virus. Also, today is the first day of a cycle that repeats July 21 and ends November 3, 2020. Possible financial adjustment or negotiations beginning with a trading partner. The situation is ongoing with continual adjustments, with attention again July 21 and should be complete about November 3 this year.

March 12: Moon goes into Scorpio, with emotions or outlook towards finances or intimacy. This Moon gets along with the planetary lineup, adding a longer view of the future, especially financial.

March 12 USA: this one in effect between March 10 and March 13: financial adjustment of an agreement with a trade partner or enemy. Also communication about the virus which may be contentious or at least challenged.

March 13: health crisis or an accident involving cars, trucks, or fire. Mildly challenging day because of impulsiveness for Aries and Capricorn, followed by Cancer and Libra. Sun and Moon getting along indicating a good day for everyone, especially for Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer. The mood is inclusiveness. This may over-ride the challenges.

March 14: breakthrough regarding the virus. Opportunity for the test kits to be released, along with the possibly of the spread stopping or slowing. A strong leader is pushing the medical industry and the medical industry is accepting an opportunity. Working together, there should be success, with establishment and experimental medical community are cooperating. Personally, it is Pisces and Capricorn cooperating to bring about stability. Scorpio and Taurus can offer financial advic.. Cancer and Virgo may experience separate relationship challenges. Moon goes into Sagittarius adding a little restlessness to the day.

March 15: no exact astrology aspect.

Contact Patty for your personal, accurate, kind forecast.

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