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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jan 25, 2021

Astology forecast Jan 24 through Jan 31

Your personal, accurate & helpful forecast is available with Patty.

Mercury goes retrograde Jan 30.

Neptune in tension with the moon’s nodes all week, exact on Jan 26. Communication and the news is incomplete and could be vague and some could be not true. Discern what you read, see and hear about the news to figure out what is true. Either tension or trying to balance what is ideal for being close to home and travel, or domestic and foreign.

Jan 24: no exact astrological aspects.  

Jan 25: opportunity for renewed self confidence for groups with a new idea or beginning. Good day for Aries, Sagittarius, Libra and Gemini. Leo experiences lack of attention and may have control issues. Cancer adjusts to a day that does not go as expected. Moon goes into Cancer, though, adding energy and confidence to Cancer adjusting to interruptions.

Jan 25 USA: see-saw or quincunx day for the USA in several ways: the news is continually changed or adjusted regarding laws, agreements and finances and finally gets resolved Feb 4. The president may adjust an environmental agreement. Focus on past situations about money or finances and freedoms. Past mistakes are evident. This goes into tomorrow.

Jan 26: exact date of Neptune in square with the Moon’s nodes. Also, from late yesterday into today, stubborn or tense situations about crowds or groups. A tense day for everyone, but especially for  Aquarius and Taurus who experience control or financial situations, along with Leo. Gemini and Libra can help Aquarius and should have a relatively good day. Virgo and Capricorn can help Taurus. See-saw or quincunx day when things do not go as expected for everyone, but especially for Cancer and Aquarius.

Jan 26 USA: The president creates a good situation regarding either higher law or dealings with a foreign power that helps workers and the medical situation. Could be a good court announcement regarding working or medical situation.

Jan 27: Moon goes into Leo, adding creativity, drama and generosity to the day.

Jan 27 USA: good news about health care or unemployment benefits. Also could be calming or a better situation for the country regarding the insurrectionists. The president makes an announcement regarding agreements or treaties.

Jan 28: busy day. Sun and Jupiter conjunct or together in the sign of Aquarius and a full Moon indicating an active day of new activities for Aquarius. Leo experiences relationship control issues, with Taurus and Scorpio also having control situations. Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo, with Cancer and Pisces helping Scorpio. Also Venus and Pluto conjunct or together in the sign of Capricorn, indicating a focus on stability and security. Capricorn may be beginning a new project for the good of all. Personally your loved on may be intent upon work or a practical project and is frugal. Cancer could feel opposed, with Aries and Libra having challenges between work and home. The parts of the body for this full Moon are the heart, calves, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Jan 28 USA: continued good situation about medicine and health or good situation about the unemployment benefits.

Jan 29: no exact astrological aspects.

Jan 30: Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Aquarius and goes direct February 20, 2021. Be careful of signing documents and making signed agreements. Mercury and Aquarius are electrical, so it may be helpful to double-check your electrical things now to prevent glitches. Aquarius rules groups and friends, so if there are glitches, blame it on Mercury retrograde and address the situation after Feb. 20. Moon goes into Virgo, creating a see-saw or quincunx day when the detail of a group plan glitches, causing adjustments.

Jan 30 USA: the president creates or makes an announcement about financial agreement with Congress that includes health care and worker benefits. Treasury or the financial powers agree with the president and all should be calm, at least regarding money.

Jan 31: no exact astrological aspects.

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