Since the news reveals that Vice President Pence’s life was in danger during the insurrection, we will include the planets to his chart also. When Jupiter and Saturn went into Aquarius VP Pence began to experience strong relationship opposition, evidenced by P Trump’s retreat from him. As of this writing the relationship is ended. Let’s look at the insurrection date: Jan 6 for VP Pence was scary and he was lucky in hindsight to be rescued when the insurrectionists broke into the capitol looking for him. (Mars went into Taurus in a challenging situation with his natal Venus; the Sun quincunx his N Sun; Venus opposite his N Mercury; T Mercury quincunx his N Moon; T Venus opposite his N Moon; T Jupiter square N Neptune; T Chiron square N Saturn; the saving grace was T Pluto sextile his N Jupiter indicating the opportunity to be rescued by the police which is what happened. Very scary indeed.).
President Trump has T Pluto in trine with his MC, meaning powerful people are with him and he planning and working on a new career and his reputation. He may be reinforcing his home.
Jan 17 USA: past misdeeds for many are reaped causing big change and perhaps big demonstrations. There is evidence of heavy police presence to guard each states’ capitol buildings and people, along with the nation’s capitol. There is change for President Trump because of the push from the congress to end and transform. News gives the result of the law. By the end of the day good press about the state of the presidency and stability. (T Jupiter conjunct the south node and square Uranus; P Moon quincunx Venus; T Sun conjunct Pluto; T Mercury sextile asc/desc; T Mercury trine Saturn and T Saturn trine MC sextile IC).
Jan 17: P Trump: money is disappearing and his self confidence is shaken. His actions are confused, confusing and erratic.
Jan 17 VP Pence: still tense and still with the opportunity to be protected which goes through Jan 24.
Jan 17: Sun and Moon getting along, indicating a pleasant day for all.
Jan 18: Moon goes into Aries, adding at the least action to the day; possibly of that action being militant.
Jan 18 in the middle of a few days P Trump: very emotional day with overreaction. He realizes he is moving and is unhappy about his life’s adjustment.
Jan 18 VP Pence: it is evident his relationship with the president is ended, but he has good communication and begins to feel better about himself. He is in the right place at the right time for good working relationships and perhaps he is invited to something that may be a new career. His reputation is good.
Jan 19: Sun goes into Aquarius through Feb 18. Time for Aquarius to go into action with new groups and friends. Leo experiences relationships being more independent and apparently distant - not being paid attention to. Gemini and Libra enjoy a good social month relative to the current situation. Aries and Sagittarius have opportunities for inclusion. Taurus and Scorpio have control issue situations; Capricorn and Pisces are neutral, with Cancer and Virgo adjusting to impulsive changes.
Jan 19 P Trump: good news for him regarding change and moving; it goes well for him.
Jan 20 general: Mars conjunct Uranus: the agitator working with the insurrectionists in something well planned. However opportunity to communicate or interact with the situation to resolve. Remember opportunities require action - and this is much weaker than the insurrectionist situation. Moon goes into Taurus, forming a quarter Moon in the signs of Taurus and Aquarius adding to the Mars-Uranus tension.
Jan 20 USA: Inauguration. (T Saturn trine MC). Should be stability of the office of the president, although there remains strong opposition to the law. Mars and Uranus are in the infamous conjunction: the agitator working with the insurrectionists = trouble. This is in a very tense relationship with the reason for the founding of the nation and could intensify the agitations. However, what may look like intensity could be the guarding of the nation and state’s capitols. The quarter Moon indicates stubborn or persisting tension.
Jan 20 VP Pence: only that he is still being protected.
Jan 21:. No exact astrological aspects.
Jan 22: adjustment to the new president that seems go be stable and smooth.
Jan 23 through Jan 26 confusion regarding the news and the press.
Jan 23 USA: Continued smooth transition and the press or news adjusting to reality.
Jan 23: the confuser is still in challenging relationship with the press; be very discerning about what your see, read and hear today through the 26th because it can be incomplete and confusing. However, opportunity for breakthrough regarding the virus. Also, stability returns. Moon goes into Gemini forming a nice relationship with the Sun which usually indicates a nice day; let us hope for harmony.
Jan 24: no exact astrological aspects.
To enjoy your very own personal forecast, contact Patty who is here for you.
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