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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jan 14, 2021

Jan 13 through Jan 17 2021

Advance notice that Mercury goes retrograde January 30 and goes direct February 20 in the sign of Aquarius.

Events are happening so quickly we can hardly keep up; so quickly that you did not receive last week’s forecast, so am beginning today. The biggest astrological day for the USA is the 17th. We are explaining the general astrology for everyone, the USA, and President Trump.

In the sky Jupiter the expander is in a tense relationship with Uranus, the insurrectionist between the 15th and 18th. This could mean either more demonstrations or, as we are seeing in the news, more arrests of the insurrectionists.

President Trump has a long-time transit of T Pluto to his N Midheaven, which can indicate two things: strong forces are with him to keep his presidency, or strong forces helping him to transform himself.

Jan 7 was the day after the insurrection and P Trump’s planets show emotional stress and challenges to the purpose of the USA.

Jan 13 USA:  the first day of the impeachment of President Trump. The majority of the planets are in Aquarius, perhaps indicating desire to move towards freedom and change. Saturn indicates an adjustment to the President himself and to the office of the presidency. The planets indicate the president opposses and disagrees. Some members take the opportunity to help the president. The president is trying to change the purpose of the country; planets indicate much debate.

Jan 13: tense day with tradition letting go of the new, someone stable facilitates the change. Personally, Taurus is challenged to allow the new to happen; Capricorn helps Taurus to understand and accept. New Moon in Capricorn adding seriousness or ambition to the day. Pay attention to the good things of the past and your career. Cancer has slight opposition; Aries and Libra have a tense day regarding work. Taurus and Virgo have a good work day. Sagittarius and Aquarius are neutral, with Leo and Gemini adjusting to focus on practical work. Scorpio and Pisces have practical help. After the new Moon, the Moon goes into Aquarius, adding friendliness.

Jan 13 President Trump: good day financially (?) and for his image with some.

Jan 14 USA: see-saw or quincunx day, with events frequently changing, but forcing a change in the presidency because of a law.

Jan 14 P Trump: stronger support than yesterday from the same source, but either opposition to his power or the revelation of behind-the-scenes dealings. Evidence of him being silenced today and tomorrow.

Jan 14: Uranus goes direct at 6 degrees and stays there through the 7th of February. If you have this degree in your chart it will be activated; how depending upon the planetary relationships. Strong push for the end of something. Capricorn is strong today. The earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn have a successful day. Cancer has strong opposition and the push to work. Aries and Libra have a stressful day because of the request or push for work and accomplishment. Scorpio and Pisces have the opportunity for practical renewal. Sagittarius and Aquarius are neutral. Leo and Gemini adjust to practical work towards stability.

Jan 15 USA: the president adjusts to change.

Jan 15 P Trump: in the afternoon much opposition.

Jan 15: Moon goes into Pisces, adding creativity and intuition or vagueness and people  disappearing, depending on how this relates to your planets.

Jan 16 USA: the courts or the law cause a national adjustment.

Jan 16 P Trump: the planets show he adjusts to his loss of power and the presidency.

Jan 17 USA: past misdeeds for many are reaped causing big change and perhaps big demonstrations. There is change for President Trump because of the push from the congress to end and transform. News gives the result of the law. By the end of the day good press about the state of the presidency and stability. (T Jupiter conjunct the south node and square Uranus; P Moon quincunx Venus; T Sun conjunct Pluto; T Mercury sextile asc/desc; T Mercury trine Saturn and T Saturn trine MC sextile IC).

Jan 17: P Trump: money is disappearing and his self confidence is shaken. His actions are confused, confusing and erratic.

Jan 17: Sun and Moon getting along, indicating a pleasant day for all.

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