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Apr 25, 2021

Celestial forecast for week of April 25, including impotant USA transit.


The USA has a stellium, or group, of planets in the fourth house of home, revealing the attention is on the border. However, the important astrological happening for the USA is a strong focus on past revolution and freedom. This is began May 21, exact this month, April 18 and continues through May 13, all this year of 2021. (P Moon conjunct the S Node). Perhaps the capitol insurrectionists thought they were creating a revolution for more freedom. This situation very well may be the consequences of insurrection happening during this time.USA



Beginning April 19, the Sun, Mercury and Venus go into Taurus for the rest of the week, indicating a good week for Taurus, tense relationships for Scorpio and tense situations for Leo and Aquarius. Virgo and Capricorn enjoy good work week or with practical endeavors. Cancer and Pisces have opportunities to be included in practical activities.

About your garden: it seems some are eager to clear out debris from the winter and begin to plant. Astrologically, the best time to begin planting is the new Moon in Taurus which will be May 11 this year, because Taurus is the sign of planting. We should be sure of no more frost from May 11 forward. One year when the new Moon was late, even I questioned the timing, but, lo and behold, we had a frost just before the new Moon. Have fun planting when you do.

April 18: yesterday’s new idea and activity adjusts to practical necessity and the activity moves forward. Aries is communicating well with Libra experiencing direct conversations, as do Cancer and Capricorn. Gemini adjusts and scales back activity.

April 18 USA: exact date of the focus on the past and the insurrectionists. Emotions are high with many paying attention; the press or communication loudly challenges Democrats but good news about being “let out”, meaning perhaps gatherings now possible. Also could be financial situation improving for the population. The president offers an opportunity for the resolution of the immigrant situation which needs to be accepted by the Republicans to go into effect.

April 18 President Biden: first date of a cycle of phase which repeats October and ends in February 2022. His self confidence has the opportunity to be encouraged because of legal, partnership or ally cooperation. This is the only outer planetary relationship for him this week.


April 19: Mercury and the Sun go into Taurus. Mercury through May 3, the Sun through My 20. Good time for Taurus to get moving with projects and communicate about them. Scorpio has control issue relationships; Leo and Aquarius experience control issue circumstances. Good time for Virgo and Capricorn’s practical activities. Aries and Gemini neutral. Cancer and Pisces have opportunities for practical or financial endeavors with Taurus friends beneficial. Libra and Sagittarius adjust to activities slowing down because of attention to what is sure and certain.

April 19 USA: focus on the past may continue through today. Adjustment or amendment of a law about expenditures and involves Congress. The president’s proposal creates tension trying to balance both the budget and the purpose of the USA which is generosity and self reliance.

April 20: Moon goes into Leo forming a quarter Moon in Leo and Taurus who experience control issues and adding tension or stress for Scorpio and Aquarius, possibly because of drama or someone one demands attention. Good though for Aries and Sagittarius and opportunity for Gemini and Libra to be social. Pisces and Capricorn adjust to drama.

April 20 USA: attention and the press on a court case, which astrologically is a good outcome, but may cause more unrest.

April 21: no exact astrological aspects.

April 22 Earth Day: Venus and Uranus conjunct or together, indicating increase in money, probably the crypto currency, which is in the process of becoming more secure and mainstream. This enhances Taurus good month although expect some good change. Scorpio has more stubborn relationship control issues, with Leo and Aquarius having more stubborn control circumstances. Extra good time for Virgo and Capricorn’s activities and continued opportunities for Cancer and Pisces benefits. Aries and Gemini neutral. Libra and Sagittarius adjust to even more interruptions. Moon goes into Virgo forming a great relationship with the Sun, soothing the above tension. Good for Taurus and Virgo to work together.


April 22 USA: higher court gives a opportunity to resolve a workplace issues and is good for the president plus an opportunity expressed to resolve the immigration situation or the opportunity for good dialogue with Republicans.


April 23: Mars goes into Cancer through June 12. Good time for Cancer to launch projects. Capricorn may have unplanned relationship situation. Aries and Libra’s projects are challenged but this is fun for them. Scorpio and Pisces may be invited to a nice activity to give financial and creative input. Gemini and Leo are neutral. Sagittarius and Aquarius adjust to family-oriented activities or caring for others. Mild adjustment between wanting to be secure but past situations alert you to be little flexible. Taurus may help Sagittarius be a little more settled, with Sagittarius helping Taurus being little more free. Day of mild interruption for everyone. the happenings of April 22 are talked about. Taurus communicates more today possibly about money, food or sex, but probably money - that cybercurrency again. The same situations written above for all the other signs.

April 23 USA: situation about children asks the office of the president to adjust a decision. Also, first date of a process that re-focuses Aug 19 and is complete by Dec 13 this year of 2021. Should be a large expenditure for many or for groups. Since this is a process, the decision may be today, with negotiations going through Aug 19 with part of the expenditure and more Dec 13.

April 24: today communication is changing, with continual adjustments between what is thought to be safe and the new and free. Tension between the old and new, the cybercurrency speculation may slow or be stopped. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius have a tense day. Virgo and Capricorn can help Taurus, Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo; Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio, with Gemini and Libra helping Aquarius. Moon goes into Libra forming a quincunx or see-saw relationship with the Sun, revealing a day of impulsive interruptions, asking you to be flexible. When you are the day goes well.

April 25: Good communication for Taurus, with Scorpio yet again having relationship focus about money.

April 25 USA: favorable court decision and an opportunity for cooperation with the Republicans, remembering that opportunities must be accepted to manifest. Maybe this means the court decision is favorable for the Republicans. Also communication makes an adjustment regarding the immigrants.

Remember that your free will - how you choose to act - during these times determines how you manage your planetary phases or cycles and what the results will be. Choosing to act for the highest good of all means you may have benefits and opportunities during these times. I think we used to call that making lemonade from lemons.

Contact Patty for your personal celestial reading.

 April 11: New Moon in the sign of Aries, meaning a lot of Aries energy challenging situations and asking the new creative ideas and activities to pull away from the old and worn-out. The young want to move away from long-established and entrenched situations. Personally Aries may be leaving Capricorn, at least mentally, and stimulating situations with Cancer and Libra. With so much Aries in the sky, it is all about new ideas, new people and the young. Another way to look at it is the rebellious ones may be active today, challenging the status quo. Realize, though, the established rule of order and the entrenched are stronger.

April 11 USA: day begins with a critical press or popular opinion, which then agrees and then opposes. There could be court reversal or at least a tweak or amendment.

April 11 President Biden: the day does not go as expected because of continual, impulsive interruptions.

April 12: Moon goes into Taurus joining Uranus. Mood or attention changes to the garden and perhaps food. It is usually said to wait for the new Moon in Taurus before planting because it is safe from frost. The new Moon in Taurus is May 11.

April 12 USA: the President has the opportunity to present a financial bill but is challenged by the Republicans.

April 13: opportunity to present your social plans, especially if you are an Aries talking with a Gemini who cooperate today. Good day for all, though.

April 13 USA: a court may challenge an existing law; or a foreign country challenges an agreement.

April 14: Venus goes into Taurus, its own sign, through May 8. Taurus is the sign of money, food and sex, so your loved one my turn their attention that way. Good time for Taurus to engage in money-making and perhaps begin a new relationship or improve an existing one. Taurus likes to be close so your loved one may also be more clingy. Scorpio may have relationship discussions over who manages the money. Leo and Aquarius may be asked to give financial accounting. Aries and Gemini are neutral. Virgo and Capricorn enjoy a good month for the practical, money and love. Cancer and Pisces fell the opportunity to improve finances and perhaps be more interested in food. Libra and Sagittarius adjust to either money or clingy relationships.

April 15: the one in authority received an opportunity from a group. Aries may receive an opportunity from Aquarius and needs to accept to manifest. Good day for all, but especially for Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius, except for the above. Moon goes into Gemini adding interesting and varied conversations.

April 15 USA: verbal or the press challenging an agreement or law, the courts to amend. The other possibly is changing the covid social distancing and tweaking foreign travel.

 April 16: busy day trying to put into action yesterdays opportunity, but may have challenges to overcome. The establishment or the person who loves security may try to suppress the new idea because they think it is risky. This will be resolved. Tension today between Aries and Capricorn, also cancer and Libra, but less so. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn enjoy challenges because they present something to solve or overcome.

April 16 USA: controversy about young people, possibly the unaccompanied immigrant children, with the opportunity to have it resolved. The other possibly is challenge from or about am agreement or trade situation with that has the opportunity to be resolved.

April 17: great day! Social activities seem good with friends and excellent communication. Situations with young people good. The person with the new idea tries to release from the constraints of the old and outworn to forward. Good day for Gemini and Aquarius to work together, with Aries being the communicator of the new. Also a good day for Libra, Leo and Sagittarius. Sun and Moon getting along, adding opportunities for everyone, but especially for Gemini and Aries again. This is early in the day and the Moon goes into Cancer after 3 pm ET.

April 17 USA: the president proposes a working solution and makes an adjustment with the opportunity for agreement.

April 18 President Biden: first date of a cycle of phase which repeats October and ends in February 2022. His self confidence has the opportunity to be encouraged because of legal, partnership or ally cooperation. This is the only outer planetary relationship for him this week.

 April 18: yesterday’s new idea and activity adjusts to practical necessity and the activity moves forward. Aries is communicating well with Libra experiencing direct conversations, as do Cancer and Capricorn. Gemini adjusts and scales back activity.

April 18 USA: exact date of the focus on the past and the insurrectionists. Emotions are high with many paying attention; the press or communication loudly challenges Democrats but good news about being “let out”, meaning perhaps gatherings now possible. Also could be financial situation improving for the population.

For your personal, accurate predictions, contact Patty.

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·     Ongoing every Tuesday at 2:30 pm; free: Edgar Cayce discussion group. We are currently reading the Edgar Cayce Enlightenment Series on Enhancing Your Abilities. Healing meditation concludes the meeting.·        

·     Sunday May 2, 1:00 p.m. Speaker Ed Foote of Pittsburgh on How to Receive Spiritual Guidance & Make Spiritual Decisions, based on the Edgar Cayce Readings and A Course In Miracles. Free with request to make a donation to Edgar Cayce's ARE. You are invited to attend, email Patty to receive your link.·      

·     Saturday, May 8 at 1:00 pm. Expert level astrology conversation about current events, people in the news and more. Always very interesting and fun. Tuition $30.00. Contact Patty to be included and to receive your link. 

    Sunday, May 16, 11:00 am. Intermediate level astrology class. conversation about current events and prominent people in the news. Always interesting and fun. tuition $30.00.   Contact Patty to be included and to receive your link. 

Apr 22, 2021

Learn about Earth Day 2021


Happy Earth Day 2021 to our Mother Earth

Earth Day just happens to be the beginning of the month of Taurus, the sign of the Earth.

There are four planets in Taurus today: the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus. The Moon is in the sign of Virgo, the sign of earth’s harvest and Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn, the sign of Earth’s mountains and hibernation. The Sun gives life, Mercury stimulates, Venus loves and Uranus changes. The Moon also nourishes and Pluto transforms.

Let us celebrate the nourishment, stimulation, love, harvest and transformation of the Earth today, with today only the beginning.

Signs of hope:

✓   The USA is hosting a two-day virtual summit of world leaders starting today, which coincides with Earth Day, to address the global climate crisis. 
✓   Many nations, including USA, China and Russia are pledging to drastically reduce carbon emissions.
✓   The world’s car makers are rushing to make electric cars, to reduce carbon emissions.

What about we ordinary people?

   ✓   The world, including the oceans, landfills, streets and vacant lots are being piled high with plastic, other trash, discarded masks and gloves. Plastic is made from oil. Those billions of plastic water bottles, the plastic our vegetables are in at the grocery store and plastic shopping bags are made from oil. This means they do not degrade, only pile up on land and float on top and below the water in the lakes and oceans, depriving necessary oxygen for fish and marine life.

✓   What can one person do to eliminate this waste? This means us! Can we reduce the plastic we purchase and discard? Can we at least re-use it? Some of my friends are completely plastic free, which is getting harder to do since most everything is encased in plastic. Frozen vegetables used to be available in paper boxes, but the last time I shopped at our local mainstream grocery store, I noticed every single vegetable is encased in plastic bags, including organic. I will continue to go to our other local grocery store that sells sustainable and organic everything.

✓   Your ideas on how to improve Mother Earth’s health would be wonderful. We could begin a Twitter conversation. Let me know if you would like to contribute to the conversation and you will receive the twitter link.

Written by Patty the Astrologer. Copyright © P. G. Finlayson, all rights reserved.

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For your personal, accurate predictions, contact Patty.

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Apr 19, 2021

Meet King Taurus


King Taurus and Lady Venus were enjoying their domain. A red chariot sped by, screeched to a halt and backed up. The red chariot stopped in front of them and a lithe, quick King Aries hopped out to greet them. King Aries introduced himself, called Knight Mars over and began a conversation. It was not long before Knight Mars eyed Lady Venus, provoking a comment from King Taurus: "She is mine." That did not deter Knight Mars from flirting with Lady Venus anyway, since he is so assertive and charming.

King Aries wanted to see King Taurus' chariot, so they walked to the garage. King Taurus' chariot was sturdy and earth green and brown in color. King Taurus told King Aries that he prefers to keep his feet firmly planted on the ground and really did not enjoy flying about at great speeds, so he created this well-built, dependable chariot for himself and Lady Venus. Although a sturdy chariot, King Taurus had it fitted luxuriously, purchased on sale, of course. Lady Venus was happy with the chariot and made sure King Taurus was loved and well fed. King Taurus drove the chariot with Lady Venus at his side. They enjoyed slow drives around their kingdom. 

Lady Venus made King Aries and Knight Mars comfortable, serving them yummy food. Later King Taurus showed King Aries where he kept his pet bull, which was in a pen filled with ample food. King Aries was surprised to see that his pet ram was in a pen next to the bull. King Taurus said that the ram wandered over to his farm one day looking for company when King Aries and Knight Mars were on one of their adventures. King Taurus was happy to build a fenced pen for the Aries ram, but expected King Aries to compensate him. King Aries was happy with this arrangement because it left him free for his adventures. 

King Taurus was proud of his domain and the crops he had planted to be harvested later in the year with King Virgo. He showed King Aries around, continually commenting on how much he has, how beautiful it all is, and that "it is all mine."

After a while Lady Venus went inside to get King Taurus' checkbook to be balanced, something King Taurus enjoyed. He even offered to help King Aries keep his money in order. When King Taurus sat down to count his money, King Aries realized it was time to be on his way, but not before making King Taurus and Lady Venus laugh because of his good humor. 

When the pleasant visit was over, King Taurus commented to Lady Venus that King Aries is likeable, but he was so energetic and adventuresome, he could wear King Taurus out. King Taurus sensed that King Aries was so impulsive he would not give King Taurus enough time to think things through before making a decision. 

King Aries commented to Knight Mars that King Taurus was a nice guy, but he was so practical and deliberate that he would slow King Aries down. Knight Mars said to King Aries that King Taurus was loyal, honest and steadfast and could be depended upon. That pleased King Aries, for he could then ask King Taurus to manage his money for him. 

Since they were next door neighbors they decided to get along and appreciate each other, even though they are of different temperaments.

 What is happening with Taurus now 2021?

 Pluto is in harmony with Taurus, bringing beneficial financial situations that will transform a situation and your life.

 Neptune reveals opportunities to express creativity and sensitivity.

 Jupiter and Saturn are in tense relationship because the future is being brought to the present quickly and Taurus does not like change, let alone quickly. 

 Contact Patty for your personal celestial forecast.