Here is what I predicted for
Election Day.
- Nov 5 Election Day generally: The Sun is in Scorpio, as is usual for November 5 and implies opposite stubborn viewpoints about money. Moon is in Capricorn in harmony with the Sun, indicating traditional and orderly behavior. There are indications of many younger voters turning out with opposite viewpoints, with the majority for the Republicans. Mars in Leo is the odd-man out, not relating with any other planets, but loudly proclaiming itself, indicating Donald Trump. (For those of you knowledgeable about astrology, the Republicans are symbolized by two signs, Jupiter and Pisces. Mercury and Venus will be in the R's sign of Sagittarius, and Saturn and Neptune will be in the R’s sign of Pisces. The democrats are symbolized by Saturn and Capricorn, with only the Moon and Pluto in Capricorn. This gives the R’s four planets, and the D’s two. Even though they are low numbers, the R’s have double the number of the D’s. we will learn if the R’s win by a large enough majority to avoid trouble.)
- Election Day for the USA chart: opportunity for self-confidence, possibly because of and for many younger people voting. There could be aggression Nov 5 and 6. The self-confidence is fleeting, only Nov 5, then waning until late April 2025. Mars has gone into 00-degree Leo, enhancing Donald Trump, but does not have exact planetary relationships in the USA chart, which may mean he wins but has no plans or cabinet. However, other planetary relationships indicate the possibly of D and R crossover voting, ending in a tie in that respect. There is underlying conflict of values between home and family and only money and ambition. So, we are left with the general planetary relationships which have the Republicans winning.
This coming
week, the planets continue to favor President-elect Trump and his communication
with the foreign powers. The young and young-at-heart and those looking to the
new, have a good week. Those who “enjoy” the old way of doing things are okay
for now. However, the new USA values will be more evident when the Sun goes
into Sagittarius Nov 21. After then there will be challenges to the idealistic
systems that may not have been founded on a firm base. Humanitarian actions
will either be rushed into more spending or challenged before the new
administration. More change in USA’s values will be evident after Nov 19 when
Pluto goes into Aquarius, favoring new technology, and new ways of teams and
groups to cooperate. There may be improvements in the space program – or space
satellites – because the old ways will be discarded for new technology. The
world tendency for authoritarian or totalitarian governments continues and
perhaps accelerates through 2045.
For you, it is a good week for the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, and for Libra and Aquarius. Gemini either may be a conversation provoker, creating stimulating discussions or the recipient of such. The water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces can have a good week if you welcome more activity in your life and take care of your finances. The earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn have a good week with each other but are stimulated by those from afar, causing you to adjust to unexpected activity. The air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are neutral to good with each other, and have a great time with Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Libra operates behind the scenes, offering their legendary gracious diplomatic cooperation to all who ask.
Now to the daily planetary relationships of the planets in the sky.
- Nov 9: quarter Moon in the signs of Scorpio and Aquarius with control issues in the forefront for them and for Taurus and Leo. Also, travel plans disrupted, possibly because of rain or too much water. Someone does not show up for you with a vague excuse, especially between Sagittarius and Pisces, and could be for Gemini and Virgo, too. (for me, it was the Virgo who did not show up).
- Nov 10: Like yesterday.
- Nov 11: See-saw quincunx day with more than usual adjustments. News and communication almost overwhelming for those trying to maintain order and management. The money markets could be in continual flux because of the fast-flying news. Especially trying day for Scorpio, who is trying to manage resources and has numerous interruptions from what Scorpio thinks are trivial. Also today:
- Nov 11 cont’d: Venus goes into Capricorn through December 7, joining Pluto and adding to the established way of doing things. If election results are still unclear, gives a boost to the Democrats. People get back to work after a month of traveling, your loved one more interested in work than play. There could be a rush to finish end-of-year remodeling or fixing projects, which should succeed. With the USA, a push to complete the Democratic agenda. This is symbolically getting ready for the new, Aquarian way of governing, which begins in earnest next week, November 19. Capricorn has a good month for love and money, Cancer is challenged with love and money, as are Aries and Libra. Taurus and Virgo have a quietly good month with relationships and money. Sagittarius and Aquarius are neutral, with Gemini and Leo adjusting to possible requests for financial accounting.
- Nov 12: Moon goes into Aries with more evident leadership some may think risky, with communication challenging the idealist to get moving. Aries has more success today by working with Sagittarius for the future expansion, but they are verbally slowed down by the idealists who do not consider the financial aspect of the situation. Leo continues to be operating lone but if you reach out to Aries for leadership and Sagittarius for either expansion or peacemaking, your activities can be a success.
- Nov 13: quincunx, see-saw day when things do not go as expected, especially for Aries and Scorpio. Lack of understanding between the fearless leader and the careful financier or researcher. Aries may be helped by Leo for stability and Sagittarius for expansion, Scorpio helped by Cancer for leadership and Pisces for vision. This could happen with a younger person wanting to do something impulsive without thinking of the consequences, and does not necessarily mean Aries and Scorpio, so be flexible today.
- Nov 14: Moon goes into calm and safe Taurus, stabilizing things somewhat. Another quincunx, see-saw day, this time especially for Capricorn and Leo, who do not see things the same way, with each needing to adapt to the other’s point of view. Virgo and Taurus may help Capricorn, and Aries and Sagittarius helping Leo, but will Capricorn and Leo adapt? Love life is askew, with the woman wanting security and the man wanting drama. Could also be man spending so much as to upset the woman.
- Nov 15: full Moon in the signs of Scorpio and Taurus who feel it the most with financial control issues. Leo and Aquarius experience control issue circumstances. Cancer and Pisces may help Scorpio, with Virgo and Capricorn helping Taurus. The areas of the body symbolized are the generative organs, STDs, or STI’s, the neck, throat and tonsils. Saturn goes direct at 12 degrees 41 minutes Pisces. Perhaps the hold-up in humanitarian efforts will go forward. If so, the efforts continue to be challenged by the desire for quick implementation with more help, all talk and no action. Pisces is in a challenging relationship with Gemini and Sagittarius; and even though Virgo is not evident does not mean Virgo’s need for practical sequential information will also be challenged by too much changing information.
- Nov 16: Moon goes into Gemini, joining Jupiter, and giving energy to the fast-expanding communication situation. Another control-issue situation, again with the financial controller trying to manage or hold onto the old financial situation, with a breakthrough. Remember that the outer planets are in the last degrees of their signs, getting ready to shed the old ways to make way for the new. Today could see a prélude to this in the financial sector. Scorpio and Taurus contend over finances, and perhaps draw Leo and Aquarius in. Cancer can lead Scorpio, Capricorn lead Taurus, Pisces give Cancer vision and Virgo giving Taurus detail.
- Nov 17: another quincunx see-saw day, this time between Scorpio and Gemini, who do not communicate well with each other. It is easier for Gemini to adapt than Scorpio, who may also help Scorpio understand other facets of the situation in order to adjust their opinion. Again, Cancer and Pisces may help Scorpio, with Libra and Aquarius helping Gemini.
- Nov 18:
Moon goes into Cancer, turning to family and homeland. There is news about
communication, satellites and maybe the space station. If so, there may be
a rescue. Success in other charitable activities makes the news, perhaps
the breakthrough mentioned Nov 15. Personally, Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer
have a nice day with each other, inviting Taurus and Virgo. The
oppositional energy continues, though, between Scorpio and Taurus, or the
financial controller and the manager of the checkbook, and the breakthrough
energy continuing from the 16th.
is an opportunity for the USA to begin an idealistic and compassionate gradual
change to what may be the transformation of values and the changing of
financial spending. We may see the opportunity for extricating the country from
financing wars, or putting our efforts to humanitarian or compassionate
efforts, maybe both. This will not be put into action, only the floating of
ideas. Next week, expect to see more attention to world-wide authoritarian or
totalitarian governance, perhaps beginning with the crackdown on crime, then
continued to other activities. Next month, the energy changes to initiatory,
dynamic leadership with a showy beginning.
November 16, Saturday, 11 am to 11:30 am EST.
The Stars do the Talking
Live call-in podcast show with Patty the Astrologer.
You are the star in our Stars do the Talking Show who because your interaction is what will make the show fascinatingly interesting.
This is our first of a series of live, astrology shows, audio only for now. Tune in to add to the discussion or just listen.
You may ask question to include astrology, Edgar Cayce, reincarnation, the Seven Rays, Age of Aquarius, Ascended Masters, Violet Fire and whatever our interest is. Ken will be our guest host to add his astrology and tarot expertise to the discussion.
Thank you to those of you who have already expressed interest. To receive your invitation to the link to call in please let me know here.
Here it is November already – time to think about your 2025 celestial forecast, which is just for you, with my accurate, English-speaking interpretation of your life phases. We meet on Zoom where you can see your horoscope and dates as I explain what they mean. This way, you may ask questions to be answered with my astrology expertise and accurate intuition. All readings are only paid for after the reading, with check, PayPal, or credit card. It is wise to make your appointment now for a time when you may have a quiet hour to an hour-and-a-half before my schedule fills.
Current rates for your confidential and accurate reading:
- 60 Minutes: $153 - Time required to review your personal astrological birth chart including your year-ahead forecast with focus on your special concerns.
- 45 minutes: $117 - If you have 3-5 questions or are hoping to contact with the other side or your Guides. Consider booking an hour if you have several questions.
- 30 minutes: $81 - Usually enough time for 2-3 questions.
- 15 minutes: $45 - Usually enough time for a short question or maybe 2 questions.
P.S. If you need an answer to a question right away, please email me to schedule a
15-minute call or private zoom session with me for only $45. If you have 2-3
questions or need assistance planning and need a little more time, you can
schedule 30-minutes with me for $81. I can help. I am here for you.
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Patty the Astrologer.
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