Feb 15, 2020
Feb 16 through Feb 23 2020
Feb 16: Mercury goes retrograde at 12 degrees Pisces 53 minutes and goes direct March 9. As usual, be careful with communications and agreements. With this retrograde it will be omitted, confusing or false information. The news media may be dealing with incomplete information prematurely reported and continually corrected. Pisces may be more communicative than ususal with Virgo irritated because of not enough detail. Gemini and Sagittarius also irritated because of confused communication. Aquarius and Aries are neutral, Cancer and Scorpio may have good communication, but remember it is incomplete and to wait until Mercury goes direct before acting. Leo and Libra adjust to confusion. Taurus and Capricorn have the opportunity to present practical solutions or information, but to wait before signing.
Feb 16: Mars goes into Capricorn joining the South Node, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn, intensifying the Capricorn energy of changing structure or what is considered stable. There could be the start of more infrastructure rebuilding, including roads, airports rail stations and buildings. Cancer may feel opposition or duty towards family. Capricorn is more outgoing than ususal, with Taurus and Virgo enjoying good work and practical projects. Scorpio and Pisces have the opportunity to join practical projects. Sagittarius and Aquarius are neutral. Aries and Libra experience challenging work situations; Leo and Gemini adjust to more mundane, practical projects requiring responsibility.
Feb 16 USA: Good financial situation or regarding the supreme court and laws. However, Mars goes into Capricorn, beginning the situation of Capricorn planets traveling through the USA second house of spending money and contacting the USA Pluto and South Node. We may notice less spending or spending only on essentials and infrastructure. Mercury also goes retrograde today, but the USA has a natal retrograde Mercury, meaning agreements will work for the USA.
Feb 17 USA: difficult day for the office of the presidency and the president with firm challenges and possible outrage for his actions.
Feb 18: Sun goes into Pisces through March 19. Pisces may be active, creative and romantic. Now is the time for Pisces to reach out or at least tell about their dreams. Virgo may experience people not showing up or being vague. Gemini and Sagittarius irritated because of lack of specifics. Cancer and Scorpio enjoy a time of good relationships and creativity. Aquarius and Aries are neutral, with Taurus and Capricorn having the opportunity to offer practical solution to creativity. Leo and Libra adjust to vagueness or unreliability. Sun and Moon getting along, indicating a good day for everyone, especially for Sagittarius and Aquarius, followed by Aries, Gemini and Libra. Moon goes into Capricorn after 5 pm, with emotions quieting and reticent.
Feb 18 USA: calmer day, possibly with the president apologizing. At least it looks like better relations with our about the president.
Feb 19 USA: yesterday’s mildness changes to challenge to or about a supreme court case of a foreign country. There is am adjustment or tweak regarding the president or the office of the presidency.
Feb 20: good opportunity to realize the practical application of a creative or compassionate idea. Let’s say this is the opportunity for a long-term peace plan to hold. Remember this is an opportunity, meaning it needs to be accepted to manifest. Capricorn and Pisces getting along, with Capricorn helping Pisces apply the practical. Good also for Taurus and Virgo, Cancer and Scorpio. Moon goes into Aquarius after 2 pm, with emotions becoming detached.
Feb 20 USA: opposition to the president and the actions of the office of the presidency, challenging the legality of his actions.
Feb 21: good day for practical projects to go forward, especially involving structure with common-sense change. A monetary situation could be solved. The earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn enjoy a great day of work or practical projects. However, there is a challenging situation shaking self-confidence, especially for Aries. Aires next-door neighbor sign, Taurus can help Aries with practical financial comments.
Feb 22: another good day for the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. There is an opportunity for financial stability if the opportunity is taken. The one in charge offers the opportunity to the stable financial person. It could be a large corporation offers financial benefits that are a mild change.
Feb 22 USA: good news about an agreement for health care or good news about employment. President Washington's birthday. It is interesting that a Pisces led the army and became the first President. Pisces is not considered such a leader, especially in war. However, he was a great inspiration to his men and the new country.
Feb 23: your loved one wants to go on an adventure that may cost too much money, not liking to be told so. Aries and Capricorn challenged because of Aries adventures and Capricorn’s conservative nature. Capricorn is challenged to be more innovative. Taurus and Virgo can help Aries present the idea in terms acceptable to Capricorn. Gemini can help Aries see all sides to the situation and be more diplomatic. Moon goes into Pisces after 1 pm creating the new Moon in the sign of Pisces exact at 10:31:53 am. Good for Pisces to reach out. Cancer and Scorpio enjoy a nice emotional day. Virgo experiences opposition to detail; Taurus and Capricorn have the opportunity to either help Virgo or apply practical solutions. Aquarius and Aries are neutral. Leo and Libra adjust to vague or needy situations. Gemini and Sagittarius may be irritated because of lack of specifics.
Feb 23 USA: first, repeat of news situation of Feb 9 which could be about health, possibly about the coronovirus. However, the biggie is transiting Saturn in Capricorn conjunct the USA natal Pluto in Capricorn for the first time, to repeat Aug 4 and Nov 20. This can indicate a return to the original financial framework of the nation with restrictions on spending, or only on what is necessary or infrastructure. If the government puts in place spending too much money on what cannot be paid for or what may be considered unnecessary, it will be painful later. There was a warning back on January 24, but may have not been paid attention to. More will be evident when a new transit cycle begins Feb 27. The USA will be experiencing great financial change and change in self esteem this and next year. This is not the time for the USA to be proposing grandiose, expensive plans and laws; it is time to pay debts and keep spending for essentials. Remember, this is for the USA, your situation is personal and different.
Feb 2d USA still: Or... since Capricorn and Saturn represent the Democratic party, it could be them proposing drastic changes in spending going towards Democratic favorites. Let us pay close attention to USA spending proposals this month of February 2020, giving us a glimpse into how it may play out.
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