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Feb 9, 2020

Feb 9 through Feb 16 2020

Mercury goes retrograde Feb 16, direct March 9.

Feb 9: full Moon in the signs of Leo and Aquarius exact at 02:33:09 pm ET.  Leo and Aquarius have relationship control issues; Scorpio and Taurus have control issue situations. Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo, with Gemini and Libra helping Aquarius. The parts of the body associated with this full Moon are the heart, upper back, calves of the legs, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. After 6 pm the Moon goes into Virgo, quietly changing attention to the practical.

Feb 9 USA: emotions of the country are shaken, challenging self confidence. President’s attention turns to the homeland, meaning he may be having successful appearances. Mild adjustment for the better to the balance of payments.

Feb 10: quiet boost of self confidence, especially for Aries (do they need more?). Your loved one is self confident and a little independent. Libra’s partner wants independence for a day; Cancer and Capricorn experience mild love or money challenge. Leo and Sagittarius will see a good day of social creativity; Pisces and Taurus are neutral; Virgo and Scorpio adjust to loved one’s independence or impulsive interruptions. Gemini and Aquarius have opportunity for adventure.

Feb 11: see-saw or quincunx day when things do not go as expected, especially for Virgo and Aquarius who do not communicate well with each other. The one with details challenges the bigger picture causing irritation. Today asks you to accommodate interruptions and when you do the day goes better than expected. The Moon goes into Libra after dinner brining cooperation and diplomacy.

Feb 12: Lincoln’s Birthday. He was a true Aquarian, looking to the future with the desire for freedom and liberation of the slaves. He did what he could at that time and was assassinated for it. Aquarius is a sign of the future, humanitarian outlook and advanced scientific ideas.

Feb 13: mildly challenging day for Aries, Capricorn and Cancer, with Libra the balancer and diplomat. Leo and Sagittarius can help Aries, Taurus and Virgo can help Capricorn, Pisces and Scorpio can help Cancer. However, the Sun and Moon getting along, indicating a good day for all, especially for Libra and Aquarius, followed by Gemini. Moon goes into Scorpio after 7 pm with emotions more intense.

Feb 14: Valentine’s Day. The Sun is in Aquarius the sign of friendship, a good basis for romantic relationships and marriage. No exact astrology aspect except the planets are in basic harmony. Even though the Sun, Moon and Uranus are in fixed signs meaning in challenge, they are not close enough to cause trouble. See tomorrow, though.

Feb 14: 18th Annual World Sound Healing day with Jonathan Goldman. Check it out here: Join thousands throughout the planet on February 14, 2020 as we sound forth for 5 minutes with an "AH" projected with the energy of compassion and love. Send a sonic valentine to Gaia, our Mother Earth: Scientific data measuring the effects of World Sound Healing Day provided by  the Global Consciousness Project, the Global Coherence Initiative and other organizations shows great promise with regard to the power of intentionalized sacred sound to help create positive shifts  and changes on our planet. Free download of the ah found here:
Feb 15: quarter Moon in the signs of Scorpio and Aquarius who experience control issues, followed by Taurus and Leo, probably about money. Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio, with Gemini and Libra helping Aquarius. Moon goes into Sagittarius just before midnight.

Feb 16: Mercury goes retrograde at 12 degrees Pisces 53 minutes and goes direct March 9. As usual, be careful with communications and agreements. With this retrograde it will be omitted, confusing or false information. The news media may be dealing with incomplete information prematurely reported and continually corrected. Pisces may be more communicative than ususal with Virgo irritated because of not enough detail. Gemini and Sagittarius also irritated because of confused communication. Aquarius and Aries are neutral, Cancer and Scorpio may have good communication, but remember it is incomplete and to wait until Mercury goes direct before acting. Leo and Libra adjust to confusion. Taurus and Capricorn have the opportunity to present practical solutions or information, but to wait before signing.

Feb 16: Mars goes into Capricorn joining the South Node, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn, intensifying the Capricorn energy of changing structure or what is considered stable. There could be the start of more infrastructure rebuilding, including roads, airports rail stations and buildings. Cancer may feel opposition or duty towards family. Capricorn is more outgoing than ususal, with Taurus and Virgo enjoying good work and practical projects. Scorpio and Pisces have the opportunity to join practical projects. Sagittarius and Aquarius are neutral. Aries and Libra experience challenging work situations; Leo and Gemini adjust to more mundane, practical projects requiring responsibility.

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