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Feb 23, 2020

Feb 23 through March 1 2020

The week begins with Mars, Jupiter, the South Node, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, the Moon, Sun, Mercury and Neptune in Pisces, basically in good relationship with each other. Uranus is in Taurus, also basically in good relationship with the others. Venus and Chiron are in Aries, basically in tension with Mars, Jupiter, the South Node, Saturn and Pluto. This should portend harmony in the world, but we’ll see because humanity seems to thrive on controversy and action. Remember Mercury is retrograde.

Feb 23: your loved one wants to go on an adventure that may cost too much money, not liking to be told so. Aries and Capricorn challenged because of Aries adventures and Capricorn’s conservative nature. Capricorn is challenged to be more innovative. Taurus and Virgo can help Aries present the idea in terms acceptable to Capricorn. Gemini can help Aries see all sides to the situation and be more diplomatic. Moon goes into Pisces after 1 pm creating the new Moon in the sign of Pisces exact at 10:31:53 am. Good for Pisces to reach out. Cancer and Scorpio enjoy a nice emotional day. Virgo experiences opposition to detail; Taurus and Capricorn have the opportunity to either help Virgo or apply practical solutions. Aquarius and Aries are neutral. Leo and Libra adjust to vague or needy situations. Gemini and Sagittarius may be irritated because of lack of specifics.

Feb 23 USA: first, repeat of news situation of Feb 9 which could be about health, possibly about the caronovirus. However, the biggie is transiting Saturn in Capricorn conjunct the USA natal Pluto in Capricorn for the first time, to repeat Aug 4 and Nov 20. This can indicate a return to the original financial framework of the nation with restrictions on spending, or only on what is necessary or infrastructure. If the government puts in place spending too much money on what cannot be paid for or what may be considered unnecessary, it will be painful later. There was a warning back on January 24, but may have not been paid attention to. More will be evident when a new transit cycle begins Feb 27. The USA will be experiencing great financial change and change in self esteem this and next year. This is not the time for the USA to be proposing grandiose, expensive plans and laws; it is time to pay debts and keep spending for essentials. Remember, this is for the USA, your situation is personal and different. Update since last week: business has been disrupted world-wide because of the coronovirus, also known as COVID-19. As you may have read or seen on the news, the airlines are re-arranging flights by cancelling some and reducing numbers of people on others; it is obvious the cruise-ship business is hurting and other businesses that depend upon shipments from China are laying off workers or finding other ways of getting their parts. This means people have less money world-wide or fewer goods in the stores. This will be interesting to watch.

To read the truth about the caronovirus without the hype and conspiracy theories, go here which is the CDC:

Feb 23rd  USA still: Or... since Capricorn and Saturn represent the Democratic party, it could be them proposing drastic changes in spending going towards Democratic favorites. Let us pay close attention to USA spending proposals this month of February 2020, giving us a glimpse into how it may play out. Another update: the Democratic party had their debate and it seemed to me it was a verbal sniping match instead of informing us what how they intend to govern. The Democratic party’s patron planet is Saturn and sign is Capricorn.

Feb 24: opportunity for creativity to cooperate with common sense and reality to be put into action. Creativity can learn from the past and be successful. Pisces has the opportunity for stability if they accept the help from one who is stable and secure. Good day for Pisces and Capricorn, followed by Cancer, Scorpio and Taurus. Virgo may be a little irritated because of lack of detail, but good if focus upon the secure and common sense.

Feb 24 USA: focus on agreements, allies and enemies. There is a good situation with this, but garners opposition either from the Democrats or the general public. Transiting Jupiter goes into the second house of money, possessions and self esteem, indicating a year of more spending.

Feb 25: Interesting day. Focus on the past and what is secure and stable, perhaps with past situations happening again to be paid attention to or corrected. However communication is creative and compassionate, with the opportunity for good decisions. More deaths from the epidemic. Personally, Capricorn focused on past situations of stability or security and may have to fix something. Cancer may have relationship situation that is an echo of the past, Taurus and Virgo have a good day helping with practical projects, Pisces offers a creative, compassionate solution, Aries and Libra have a challenge they can help solve, Aquarius is neutral, Taurus helps with common sense and calm, Scorpio helps others see the bigger and financial picture, with Sagittarius having trouble traveling. Leo adjusts and feels ignored. Moon goes into Aries a little after 1 p, with the day a little more active.

Feb 25 USA: self esteem is a little better with America somehow in

Feb 26: Better day with good communications with continued creative and compassionate solutions. Pisces and Capricorn cooperating, with Cancer and Scorpio having good communications but Cancer may want to cooperate in a situation to bring stability, Taurus and Virgo have another good day with practical things.

Feb 27: first date of a long cycle that repeats June 26 and goes into 2021. (Transiting Pluto is opposing natal Mercury. Mercury rules the seventh house of legal agreements, allies and enemies.) Strong opposition possibly related to trade agreements. The other possibility could be financial repercussions with trade because the caronovirus world-wide situation which is affecting trade, which affects business, which affects jobs and money. This could also be opposition to a decision involving a foreign government. Along with this the inner planet relationships to the USA indicate adjustments to finances or the Treasury.

Feb 28: Challenging day. Your loved one may want to be independent (still) and push for something and be resisted. There may be more deaths from the epidemic, this time with younger people. There could be an uprising with deaths. Personally, Aries and Capricorn struggling with a situation, possibly bringing Cancer and Libra into the situation. The situation is that of trying to create security and stability but the younger one is a little too impulsive and unrealistic. However, again Pisces has the creative solution, cooperating with Taurus to balance the creativity with common sense and self esteem. Moon goes into Taurus adding calm, but focused on money, possessions and self esteem.

Feb 29 USA: glitches or adjustment to the work force or health care situation.

March 1: Moon goes into Gemini, meaning the day will be full of nice conversation.

Contact Patty to learn your own accurate, confidential and kind forecast.

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