June 30 through July 6 2020
Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are retrograde. You know about Mercury. Since Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are retrograde in Capricorn, the world has a chance to make right the excesses or mistakes of covid-19. With Neptune retrograde in Pisces, the excesses of evasion, fanaticism or religious fervor and enabling have a chance to be recognized and corrected. However, the virtue of helping and compassion may uplift humanity.
From last week: June 23 Jupiter and Pluto were together or conjunct at 24 degrees Capricorn and will be exact June 30. The shadow period is from June 18 through July 9 when they are in the same degree but not exact. This indicates a strong focus of covid-19 during these dates. We are witnessing a surge in infections and hospitalizations Some states are reversing their being open policies. Please take care of yourself.
USA: This same 24 degree situation is affecting the USA chart. From June 18, exact June 30 and through July 9, there is opposition to agreements and the rule of law. The consequences may be the higher courts are asked to judge, maybe even the Supreme Court. Congress itself is opposing some of the laws and may be disagreeing with itself. These could be the state’s Congress’ or assemblies. There could be tense negotiations about situations, with some situations ending.
Mars went into Aries June 27, 3 days ago, and there is news of shootings in the Seattle so-called peaceful takeover of part of the city, and elsewhere homeowner’s defending themselves with guns. This may be a harbinger of the coming months. I certainly hope not, but the dark side of Mars and Aries can be anger, fighting and selfishness. The bright side of Mars and Aries is innovation, courage, new starts and mechanics. Perhaps we’ll see new ways of personal transportation.
June 30: busy day with very strong focus on both the virus and the breakdown and rebuilding of business and maybe government via new policies. Tension between what is right for everybody and personal or selfish interests. However, communication is good with opportunity for a somewhat practical solution. Also, opportunity for a financial solution. The Sun and Moon are getting along, indicating a good day for everyone, especially for the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. So it seems June ends with harmony. The Sun and Mercury are conjunct at 9 degrees Cancer If you have this degree in your chart it will be activated, most likely with communication from family, maybe about money.
June 30 USA news of shootings in the Seattle situation and a couple defending their home from a crowd. Today is the exact day of T Pluto opposing the USA Mercury. Strong opposition to the rule of law, with the possibly of the higher courts being asked to make rulings.
July 1 Mercury and the Sun still conjunct at 9 degrees Cancer indicating an opportunity for practical solution for either finances, real estate and the home or both - for most, but especially for Cancer, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo. Scorpio and Capricorn may have relationship communication about the same, but can achieve balance with cooperation,.
July 1 also Saturn backs into Capricorn until mid-December this year, joining Pluto and Jupiter. This indicates severity of the virus, along with breakdown of businesses. The bright side is that governments may continue and increase fixing the infrastructure, similar to the 1940's New Deal. Another bright spot is the South Node has moved away from karmic Capricorn into generous Sagittarius. This means excesses will be corrected but generosity may be prevalent. Looks like COVID-19 is with the world through the end of 2020, with its consequences. Moon goes into Sagittarius, bringing humor to the day.
July 2 a see-saw day when things do not go as expected, asking you to be flexible to accommodate mild change. When you are flexible, the day is better than expected. Cancer and Sagittarius are the most affected. Scorpio and Pisces can help Cancer, with Aries and Leo helping Sagittarius.
July 3 USA: challenges to the president and the office of the presidency, with the press and communication joining. Law enforcement may be necessary. Also, the nation is adjusting - or not - to the current situations, with the populace uneasy. Mars is sitting right on the fourth house cusp of the nation, which puts attention on personal property but... also attention on the office space of the white house. There should be at least a lot of focused activity to it.
July 4 Moon goes into Capricorn joining Jupiter Saturn and Pluto. No other exact astrology aspects, but tomorrow is the full Moon eclipse.
July 4 USA: the nation’s birthday. The indications continue to be strong focus on money and assets. The major indication is the president - and the office of the presidency - is challenged by circumstances in the white house, which may be continual belligerency towards and from the President himself.
July 5 full Moon eclipse with the Moon in Capricorn, the Sun in Cancer, the two signs most affected, followed by Aries and Libra. “The full Moon brings higher energies into the human atmosphere, making it possible to radiate the spiritual qualities of the Sun’s sign into the atmosphere. Those who are inclined can radiate those qualities through themselves to improve human relationships. Those who do not have enough equilibrium show signs of imbalance during the full Moon because the spiritual energies create excessive tension in their mental mechanism and great illumination in their aspirations. (From Symphony of the Zodiac by Torkum Saraydarian)”. So, let us express the virtues of Cancer: caring and family. This full Moon may create leadership challenges for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Scorpio and Pisces can help Cancer, with Taurus and Virgo helping Capricorn. The areas of the body associated with this full Moon are the breasts, stomach, bones, skin and especially the knees.
July 6 Moon goes into Aquarius with attention to science, the abstract, groups, friends and inventions.
July 6 USA: more challenging situation to the President, perhaps from a friend or ally. This could also be a challenge to all regarding the compliance to the covid-19 guidelines, or a challenge to the rule of law itself.
Receive your personal prediction: contact Patty.
Jun 30, 2020
Jun 23, 2020
June 23 through June 30, 2020.
Mercury is retrograde until July 12
Venus goes direct June 25.
There are three Cancer moons in 2020; with emphasis on family, food and nurturing.
Full Moon eclipse was June 5
New Moon eclipse was June 20
New Moon July 20
Saturn is stuck at 00 degrees Aquarius through July 1 when it backs into Capricorn. If you are an Aquarius with your Sun at 00 degrees Aquarius you are experiencing challenging relationships. If you are a 00 degree Taurus or Scorpio you are experiencing challenging circumstances, with 00 Aquarius accepting responsibility.
Today, June 23, Jupiter and Pluto are together or conjunct at 24 degrees Capricorn and will be exact June 30. The shadow period is from June 18 through July 9 when they are in the same degree but not exact. This indicates a strong focus of covid-19 during these dates.
June 23 also sees Neptune going direct at 20 degrees Pisces the same degree as the January 10 eclipse which was at 20 degrees Cancer. If you have this degree in your chart, it will be activated. How depends upon the signs. A quick call with Patty can help you with the details. The Moon went into Leo at 8 am ET, adding creativity and drama to the day.
June 23 USA Opportunity for financial reform along with better employment situation, maybe good news about a relationship with an ally and possible accomplishment from the president - or better situation regarding the office of the presidency.
June 24 no exact astrology aspects.
June 25 Venus goes direct at 5 Gemini 20. Yay! Money issues should clear up. If a relationship was iffy, wait until after today to make amends. Moon goes into Virgo after 1 pm ET bringing the mood down to the practical, with details.
June 26 USA and a few days before and after, a repeat of Feb 27 and repeats again December 31, 2020. Strong opposition to a law or agreement involving finances. Congress is opposing an announcement or agreement about a trading partner. Could be a Supreme Court announcement.
June 27 Mars goes into Aries through first week of January 2021 because it goes retrograde in September. This is a long time for strong, impulsive, can be combative energy! Please note this energy likes to stir up or catalyze just for the fun of it and any spirited discussions are not personal. Aries will be extra energized and self-reliant; Libra experiences your significant other independent, self absorbed and independent. Cancer and Capricorn experience challenging situations, perhaps regarding new projects. Leo and Sagittarius are invited to new adventures; Gemini can use your diplomatic talent to calm conversations; Aquarius has stimulating ideas or inventions. Pisces and Taurus are neutral, with Virgo and Scorpio adjusting to new or spontaneous activities. Remember spirited conversations are for fun, not personal. Moon goes into Libra just after 4 pm ET, adding cooperation.
Mars in the USA chart through first week of January 2021: Mars will be driving through the house of real estate, so there may be heightened activity in this area. It is also the base of operations for the country the White House. This could mean new people in the White House in January.
June 27 USA financial adjustment or a reevaluation of unemployment disbursements.
June 28 opportunity to put new laws and ideas into action regarding equality for all. Quarter Moon in the signs of Libra and Cancer, who have challenging day, along with Aries and Capricorn. Quarter Moon days bring change, which Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn enjoy. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra, with Scorpio and Pisces helping Cancer.
June 29 Moon goes into Scorpio adding seriousness, investigation and financial subjects into the fore.
June 29 USA strong publican opposition with angry demonstrations.
June 30: busy day. The day with the very strong focus on both the virus and the breakdown and rebuilding of business and maybe government via new policies. Mild tension between what is right for everybody and personal or selfish interests. However, communication is good with opportunity for a somewhat practical solution. Also, opportunity for a financial solution for many. The Sun and Moon are getting along, indicating a good day for everyone, especially for the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. So it seems June ends with harmony.
Contact Patty for your personal accurate astrology reading.
Thank you for reading.
Jun 20, 2020
COVID-19 Virus - What can we expect now?
COVID-19 Virus
What can we expect?
(This is being written by the planets, not the news).
The astrology is at the end of this article.
According to the planets, the first covid-19 cases could have been January, June and September of 2019, but thought of as pneumonia. The first virus death could have been January 12, 2019, but may have not been reported as such. However, if it was recognized, the news could have been suppressed, and the seriousness not recognized.
* What about now?
The beginning of April 2020 saw the virus spread rapidly, and the world went into lockdown. Then it seemed to wane. As this is being written (June 20), it is spreading again. July 1 forward there is the possibly of more deaths; unexpected because hospitalizations and deaths have decreased, although the planets indicate it may be older people with previous illnesses. Then it wanes again, only to surge again mid November through the end of December 2020 (this year).
* What about cures or vaccinations?
The medical community went into heightened activity towards the end of February 2020, looking for a cure and vaccinations. By the end of July 2020 it looks hopeful for at least medicine to overcome the symptoms. The middle of October 2020 is very hopeful for both effective medicine and a vaccine which may be available for the population, not only trials.
Let us hope the changes brought about by COVID-19 are good in the long run, and in the meantime, take good care of yourself.
* Astrology:
After doing research into pandemics, all the way back to the 600's, it became evident that Jupiter and Pluto are significators. Pluto represents epidemics, with Jupiter expanding the effects. This means the virus infects many countries or the world, like now. Pluto is a planet of death, and Capricorn is a sign of death.
Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and for a time Mars are or were in Capricorn, along with the karmic South Node. With the South Node in Capricorn, we reap what was sown, (as previously reported). Capricorn’s dark side means greed, attention to ambition and work instead of attention to and caring for family and our home planet.
Saturn was conjunct Pluto January 12, Jupiter was exactly conjunct Pluto April 4, will again June 30, and November 12, this year of 2020.
Jupiter was sextile Neptune February 20, will be again July 27 and again October 12, all this year of 2020, indicating the medicine and vaccines. Jupiter goes into Aquarius December 19, 2020 suggesting medicine to be available to all.
Thank you for reading. Your comments are welcome, just email Patty personally.
What can we expect?
(This is being written by the planets, not the news).
The astrology is at the end of this article.
According to the planets, the first covid-19 cases could have been January, June and September of 2019, but thought of as pneumonia. The first virus death could have been January 12, 2019, but may have not been reported as such. However, if it was recognized, the news could have been suppressed, and the seriousness not recognized.
* What about now?
The beginning of April 2020 saw the virus spread rapidly, and the world went into lockdown. Then it seemed to wane. As this is being written (June 20), it is spreading again. July 1 forward there is the possibly of more deaths; unexpected because hospitalizations and deaths have decreased, although the planets indicate it may be older people with previous illnesses. Then it wanes again, only to surge again mid November through the end of December 2020 (this year).
* What about cures or vaccinations?
The medical community went into heightened activity towards the end of February 2020, looking for a cure and vaccinations. By the end of July 2020 it looks hopeful for at least medicine to overcome the symptoms. The middle of October 2020 is very hopeful for both effective medicine and a vaccine which may be available for the population, not only trials.
Let us hope the changes brought about by COVID-19 are good in the long run, and in the meantime, take good care of yourself.
* Astrology:
After doing research into pandemics, all the way back to the 600's, it became evident that Jupiter and Pluto are significators. Pluto represents epidemics, with Jupiter expanding the effects. This means the virus infects many countries or the world, like now. Pluto is a planet of death, and Capricorn is a sign of death.
Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and for a time Mars are or were in Capricorn, along with the karmic South Node. With the South Node in Capricorn, we reap what was sown, (as previously reported). Capricorn’s dark side means greed, attention to ambition and work instead of attention to and caring for family and our home planet.
Saturn was conjunct Pluto January 12, Jupiter was exactly conjunct Pluto April 4, will again June 30, and November 12, this year of 2020.
Jupiter was sextile Neptune February 20, will be again July 27 and again October 12, all this year of 2020, indicating the medicine and vaccines. Jupiter goes into Aquarius December 19, 2020 suggesting medicine to be available to all.
Thank you for reading. Your comments are welcome, just email Patty personally.
Jun 18, 2020
Mercury went retrograde and the eclipse.
The new Moon Eclipse June 21 and more.
The planets are busy through the end of June.
★ Mercury went retrograde in Cancer this morning about 8 am, goes direct July 12.
★ Venus goes direct in Gemini June 25.
★ Solstice = Sun goes into 00 degree Cancer June 20.
★ New Moon eclipse at 00 degree Cancer June 21
★ Mars goes into 00 Aries June 27. More about this later.
★ Jupiter and Pluto are conjunct in Capricorn exactly June 30. More about this later.
★ Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto are all retrograde. Retrograde planets indicate analyzing past situations to get ready when the planets go direct. More about this later.
This is a lot! For today, we’ll give the usual warning about retrograde Mercury: if possible, postpone agreements and signing documents. Your electronics may malfunction - or malfunctioning ones suddenly work; you may find lost items. Since Mercury is the patron planet of communication, be careful. In the sign of Cancer, communication may be emotional, not factual. This means try to ascertain the facts behind any emotional verbiage, softly though. After Mercury goes direct July 12, things clear up. However, retrograde Mercury actions repeat and can be beneficial. To learn how this affects you, look back to past retrograde Mercury times and what happened. It may have been good. I know some of mine were.
Eclipses are triggers, setting off latent energy. If you have a planet, your ascendant or midheaven at 29, 00 or 01 degrees, the eclipse may activate it. A one-on-one session with Patty can quickly identify and explain it for you. The sign of Cancer is the the sign of families, food and the homeland. The eclipse may trigger a restoring of food distribution., adjusted for the changed circumstances. Cancer people are asked to shine their light, so if you are a Cancer, this is your month to shine, through July 22.
What may happen with the other signs? Capricorn may be challenged to be with family instead of work, with Aries and Libra experiencing challenging family situations. Scorpio and Pisces have a good day possibly catalyzed by a Cancer. Taurus and Virgo have the opportunity to contribute to family or food. Sagittarius and Aquarius adjust to more emotion that usual. Gemini is neutral to the eclipse, but activated by the North Node to use their communication talents. Leo is also neutral to the eclipse unless a 00 degree Leo Sun sigh, which means Saturn is important.
The new Moon eclipse itself is in a see-saw (quincunx) relationship with Saturn at 00 Aquarius. What does this mean? We have seen demonstrations for equality and justice for several weeks; astrologically since Saturn went into the equality sign of Aquarius. Saturn is a planet of law and justice so this makes sense. The see-saw (quincunx) relationship indicates adjustments to these situations., perhaps new laws or new congressional amendments. Aquarius is the sign of big groups of people and aspirations, so the groups may be triggered to adjust their aspirations or expectations because of family.
Also, the eclipse is right next to (an out-of-sign conjunction) with the North Node in Gemini, giving the news and communication more energy. The North Node reveals the virtues of the future: in Gemini, diplomatic communication, being able to see all sides of situations, and esoterically, the energy of the Christ. So the eclipse may trigger more inclusive (Cancer eclipse) communication.
The question is: why are the summer solstice and eclipse on different days even though they are both 00 Cancer? The summer solstice is when the Sun travels into 00 degrees of Cancer 00 minutes and 00 seconds and according to Solar Fire, at 05:43:33 pm ET on June 20. The new Moon eclipse in Cancer this year is when the Sun and Moon are exactly together or conjunct, which happens June 21 at 00 degrees Cancer 21 minutes, 23 seconds at 02:41:18 am ET.
To contact Patty, please email her with any questions.
The planets are busy through the end of June.
★ Mercury went retrograde in Cancer this morning about 8 am, goes direct July 12.
★ Venus goes direct in Gemini June 25.
★ Solstice = Sun goes into 00 degree Cancer June 20.
★ New Moon eclipse at 00 degree Cancer June 21
★ Mars goes into 00 Aries June 27. More about this later.
★ Jupiter and Pluto are conjunct in Capricorn exactly June 30. More about this later.
★ Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto are all retrograde. Retrograde planets indicate analyzing past situations to get ready when the planets go direct. More about this later.
This is a lot! For today, we’ll give the usual warning about retrograde Mercury: if possible, postpone agreements and signing documents. Your electronics may malfunction - or malfunctioning ones suddenly work; you may find lost items. Since Mercury is the patron planet of communication, be careful. In the sign of Cancer, communication may be emotional, not factual. This means try to ascertain the facts behind any emotional verbiage, softly though. After Mercury goes direct July 12, things clear up. However, retrograde Mercury actions repeat and can be beneficial. To learn how this affects you, look back to past retrograde Mercury times and what happened. It may have been good. I know some of mine were.
Eclipses are triggers, setting off latent energy. If you have a planet, your ascendant or midheaven at 29, 00 or 01 degrees, the eclipse may activate it. A one-on-one session with Patty can quickly identify and explain it for you. The sign of Cancer is the the sign of families, food and the homeland. The eclipse may trigger a restoring of food distribution., adjusted for the changed circumstances. Cancer people are asked to shine their light, so if you are a Cancer, this is your month to shine, through July 22.
What may happen with the other signs? Capricorn may be challenged to be with family instead of work, with Aries and Libra experiencing challenging family situations. Scorpio and Pisces have a good day possibly catalyzed by a Cancer. Taurus and Virgo have the opportunity to contribute to family or food. Sagittarius and Aquarius adjust to more emotion that usual. Gemini is neutral to the eclipse, but activated by the North Node to use their communication talents. Leo is also neutral to the eclipse unless a 00 degree Leo Sun sigh, which means Saturn is important.
The new Moon eclipse itself is in a see-saw (quincunx) relationship with Saturn at 00 Aquarius. What does this mean? We have seen demonstrations for equality and justice for several weeks; astrologically since Saturn went into the equality sign of Aquarius. Saturn is a planet of law and justice so this makes sense. The see-saw (quincunx) relationship indicates adjustments to these situations., perhaps new laws or new congressional amendments. Aquarius is the sign of big groups of people and aspirations, so the groups may be triggered to adjust their aspirations or expectations because of family.
Also, the eclipse is right next to (an out-of-sign conjunction) with the North Node in Gemini, giving the news and communication more energy. The North Node reveals the virtues of the future: in Gemini, diplomatic communication, being able to see all sides of situations, and esoterically, the energy of the Christ. So the eclipse may trigger more inclusive (Cancer eclipse) communication.
The question is: why are the summer solstice and eclipse on different days even though they are both 00 Cancer? The summer solstice is when the Sun travels into 00 degrees of Cancer 00 minutes and 00 seconds and according to Solar Fire, at 05:43:33 pm ET on June 20. The new Moon eclipse in Cancer this year is when the Sun and Moon are exactly together or conjunct, which happens June 21 at 00 degrees Cancer 21 minutes, 23 seconds at 02:41:18 am ET.
The Jupiter Pluto conjunction is very important and related to the pandemic. This will be written in the next newsletter to follow tomorrow. Thank you for reading.
To contact Patty, please email her with any questions.
Jun 10, 2020
Another Eclipse June 21
What a full-Moon eclipse that was!
Mercury goes retrograde June 18.
There will be another eclipse as the solstice June 21.
Venus is still retrograde, goes direct June 25.
The June 5 eclipse triggered the George Floyd situation, which is intertwined with COVID-19, revealing the drastic change the world is going through. To read about previous pandemics that changed history, click here:
https://www.history.com/topics/middle-ages/pandemics-timeline .
The astrology of the full Moon eclipse on June 5 reflected the scope of the demonstrations , which were mostly peaceful. It caused (obviously now) a big adjustment in attitude for the entire country and the entire world.
June 8, the United States House of Representatives introduced a police reform bill: “The Justice in Policing Act of 2020,” revealing the intent to improve policing. Let us pray this is a step to improve relations and the situation. Indications are this is a process that will incur several changes.
June 10 USA; changes or walk-back of a previous statement along with an opportunity for some self-confidence.
June 11 the Moon goes into Pisces, softening emotions. It may be a lazy day, with little action but an opportunity for polite conversation.
June 11 USA strong public statements, possibly about new laws, or more news about the covid-19. Since Mercury is retrograde this repeats June 24.
June 12 USA dissatisfying law news, possibly from the Supreme Court. Information is incomplete and vague. Could be another official resigning or leaving.
June 13 quarter Moon in the signs of Pisces and Gemini, who may be irritated with each other and Virgo and Sagittarius irritated because of vagueness. Also, possible strong attempt to create ideal solutions to problems. Pisces may be more active than usual. Virgo may think they are being avoided, Gemini and Sagittarius disappointed because people do not show up or projects in limbo. Moon goes into Aries after 5 pm, adding some energy to the day.
June 14 adjustments to yesterday’s activity.
June 14 USA actions against or rebelling against a law. Possibly of violence, rabble-rousing from the press. The situation is about ego, anger and emotions, not common sense.
June 15 pleasant day for everyone, with the opportunity for creative dialogue.
June 15 USA possible opposition to a supreme court decision, or opposition to a foreign entity or treaty.
June 16 More adjustments resulting from both COVID-19 and the demonstrations. Moon goes into Taurus after 5 pm, focusing on the practical.
June 17 USA possible introduction or news of a progressive law which benefits most everyone.
June 18 Mercury goes retrograde, direct on July 12. It is retrograde in the sign of Cancer. Remember that electronics and communications go awry and to not sign papers during the cycle. However, a retrograde Mercury cycle repeats a previous one, so you may look to a previous cycle to learn what could repeat during this one. It could be good. Moon goes into Gemini later, livening the conversation.
June 18 USA the USA chart has a natal retrograde Mercury in the sign of Cancer, the sign of this retrograde cycle, so this cycle should be good for the country. However today may see an adjustment of a previous statement and an adjustment in money expended which should be good news.
June 19 focus on the North Node, which is in the sign of Gemini, the sign of talk. Gemini has the gift of showing you all sides of a situation and perhaps there will be enlightenment on society’s situations - world wide. Gemini is the sign of the Christ. If we can act as Christ did or act as He taught, it would be a good day indeed.
June 20 Sun goes into Cancer, the first day of summer. Now is the time for Cancer people to get active, Capricorn may be challenged by family, as may Aries and Libra Scorpio and Pisces have a good month regarding family; Taurus and Virgo have opportunities for good family situations. Gemini and Leo are neutral, with Sagittarius and Aquarius adjusting to more emotional happenings. Cancer also signifies food, so there could be the opening of world-wide food distribution systems, which will be different from before covid-19. Today swims into tomorrow...
June 21 new Moon eclipse at 02:41:18 am EDT at 00 Cancer 21. This eclipse signals an adjustment, possibly in the law, because of the demonstrations. If you have a 29, 0 or 1 degree planet or point in your chart, it will be activated. A quickie reading with Patty can help you learn how it may impact.
The degree of the new Moon eclipse does not impact the USA chart.
★ Both the pandemic and the demonstrations for equality have the same astrology aspect of transiting Pluto opposing the USA natal Mercury,
★ The demonstrations: Pluto rules the 11th house of the Congress. Mercury rules the 7th house of laws.
★ The eclipse of June 5 was at 15 degrees Gemini/Sagittarius, in quincunx to the USA ascendant if we use the 5:19:18 pm time.
★ This aspect was exact February 23, bringing the pandemic to light.
★ We have transiting Pluto in opposition to the USA natal Mercury, revealing transformative opposition to existing laws.
★ The aspect with the new law introduced June 8: T Jupiter opposed the USA part of fortune in Cancer, indicating this is a process that will take a while and incur several changes. .
★ T Saturn is at 1 degree Aquarius. Rex Bills Rulership book states that Saturn is the ruler of Negros. This placement means the beginning of true equality for them, and the time is right for society to demand their equality.
★ “The Justice in Policing Act of 2020.” In the USA chart, T Pluto is in opposition to the N Mercury, revealing very strong forces demanding transformation of laws.
★ The eclipse of June 21 has the Sun and Moon at 00 Cancer 21, in quincunx with Saturn at 00 Aquarius 39.
★ Jupiter and Pluto are very close together and will be conjunct June 30, so the virus may spike then. In doing research of pandemics, I learned virus pandemics had Jupiter and Pluto conjunct.
★ The USA is a Cancer country, so when the Sun goes through Cancer every year, it activates four planets in Cancer, one in Virgo, one in Libra and opposes Pluto in Capricorn.
★ ★ A quickie reading with Patty can help you.
Mercury goes retrograde June 18.
There will be another eclipse as the solstice June 21.
Venus is still retrograde, goes direct June 25.
The virus situation is still in play.
The June 5 eclipse triggered the George Floyd situation, which is intertwined with COVID-19, revealing the drastic change the world is going through. To read about previous pandemics that changed history, click here:
https://www.history.com/topics/middle-ages/pandemics-timeline .
The astrology of the full Moon eclipse on June 5 reflected the scope of the demonstrations , which were mostly peaceful. It caused (obviously now) a big adjustment in attitude for the entire country and the entire world.
June 8, the United States House of Representatives introduced a police reform bill: “The Justice in Policing Act of 2020,” revealing the intent to improve policing. Let us pray this is a step to improve relations and the situation. Indications are this is a process that will incur several changes.
June 10 USA; changes or walk-back of a previous statement along with an opportunity for some self-confidence.
June 11 the Moon goes into Pisces, softening emotions. It may be a lazy day, with little action but an opportunity for polite conversation.
June 11 USA strong public statements, possibly about new laws, or more news about the covid-19. Since Mercury is retrograde this repeats June 24.
June 12 USA dissatisfying law news, possibly from the Supreme Court. Information is incomplete and vague. Could be another official resigning or leaving.
June 13 quarter Moon in the signs of Pisces and Gemini, who may be irritated with each other and Virgo and Sagittarius irritated because of vagueness. Also, possible strong attempt to create ideal solutions to problems. Pisces may be more active than usual. Virgo may think they are being avoided, Gemini and Sagittarius disappointed because people do not show up or projects in limbo. Moon goes into Aries after 5 pm, adding some energy to the day.
June 14 adjustments to yesterday’s activity.
June 14 USA actions against or rebelling against a law. Possibly of violence, rabble-rousing from the press. The situation is about ego, anger and emotions, not common sense.
June 15 pleasant day for everyone, with the opportunity for creative dialogue.
June 15 USA possible opposition to a supreme court decision, or opposition to a foreign entity or treaty.
June 16 More adjustments resulting from both COVID-19 and the demonstrations. Moon goes into Taurus after 5 pm, focusing on the practical.
June 17 USA possible introduction or news of a progressive law which benefits most everyone.
June 18 Mercury goes retrograde, direct on July 12. It is retrograde in the sign of Cancer. Remember that electronics and communications go awry and to not sign papers during the cycle. However, a retrograde Mercury cycle repeats a previous one, so you may look to a previous cycle to learn what could repeat during this one. It could be good. Moon goes into Gemini later, livening the conversation.
June 18 USA the USA chart has a natal retrograde Mercury in the sign of Cancer, the sign of this retrograde cycle, so this cycle should be good for the country. However today may see an adjustment of a previous statement and an adjustment in money expended which should be good news.
June 19 focus on the North Node, which is in the sign of Gemini, the sign of talk. Gemini has the gift of showing you all sides of a situation and perhaps there will be enlightenment on society’s situations - world wide. Gemini is the sign of the Christ. If we can act as Christ did or act as He taught, it would be a good day indeed.
June 20 Sun goes into Cancer, the first day of summer. Now is the time for Cancer people to get active, Capricorn may be challenged by family, as may Aries and Libra Scorpio and Pisces have a good month regarding family; Taurus and Virgo have opportunities for good family situations. Gemini and Leo are neutral, with Sagittarius and Aquarius adjusting to more emotional happenings. Cancer also signifies food, so there could be the opening of world-wide food distribution systems, which will be different from before covid-19. Today swims into tomorrow...
June 21 new Moon eclipse at 02:41:18 am EDT at 00 Cancer 21. This eclipse signals an adjustment, possibly in the law, because of the demonstrations. If you have a 29, 0 or 1 degree planet or point in your chart, it will be activated. A quickie reading with Patty can help you learn how it may impact.
The degree of the new Moon eclipse does not impact the USA chart.
★ Both the pandemic and the demonstrations for equality have the same astrology aspect of transiting Pluto opposing the USA natal Mercury,
★ The demonstrations: Pluto rules the 11th house of the Congress. Mercury rules the 7th house of laws.
★ The eclipse of June 5 was at 15 degrees Gemini/Sagittarius, in quincunx to the USA ascendant if we use the 5:19:18 pm time.
★ This aspect was exact February 23, bringing the pandemic to light.
★ We have transiting Pluto in opposition to the USA natal Mercury, revealing transformative opposition to existing laws.
★ The aspect with the new law introduced June 8: T Jupiter opposed the USA part of fortune in Cancer, indicating this is a process that will take a while and incur several changes. .
★ T Saturn is at 1 degree Aquarius. Rex Bills Rulership book states that Saturn is the ruler of Negros. This placement means the beginning of true equality for them, and the time is right for society to demand their equality.
★ “The Justice in Policing Act of 2020.” In the USA chart, T Pluto is in opposition to the N Mercury, revealing very strong forces demanding transformation of laws.
★ The eclipse of June 21 has the Sun and Moon at 00 Cancer 21, in quincunx with Saturn at 00 Aquarius 39.
★ Jupiter and Pluto are very close together and will be conjunct June 30, so the virus may spike then. In doing research of pandemics, I learned virus pandemics had Jupiter and Pluto conjunct.
★ The USA is a Cancer country, so when the Sun goes through Cancer every year, it activates four planets in Cancer, one in Virgo, one in Libra and opposes Pluto in Capricorn.
★ ★ A quickie reading with Patty can help you.
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