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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jun 20, 2020

COVID-19 Virus - What can we expect now?

COVID-19 Virus
What can we expect?
(This is being written by the planets, not the news).
The astrology is at the end of this article.

According to the planets, the first covid-19 cases could have been January, June and September of 2019, but thought of as pneumonia. The first virus death could have been January 12, 2019, but may have not been reported as such. However, if it was recognized, the news could have been suppressed, and the seriousness not recognized.

*    What about now?
The beginning of April 2020 saw the virus spread rapidly, and the world went into lockdown. Then it seemed to wane. As this is being written (June 20), it is spreading again.  July 1 forward there is the possibly of more deaths; unexpected because hospitalizations and deaths have decreased, although the planets indicate it may be older people with previous illnesses. Then it wanes again, only to surge again mid November through the end of December 2020 (this year).

*    What about cures or vaccinations?
The medical community went into heightened activity towards the end of February 2020, looking for a cure and vaccinations. By the end of July 2020 it looks hopeful for at least medicine to overcome the symptoms. The middle of October 2020 is very hopeful for both effective medicine and a vaccine which may be available for the population, not only trials.

Let us hope the changes brought about by COVID-19 are good in the long run, and in the meantime, take good care of yourself.

*    Astrology:
After doing research into pandemics, all the way back to the 600's, it became evident that Jupiter and Pluto are  significators. Pluto represents epidemics, with Jupiter expanding the effects. This means the virus infects many countries or the world, like now. Pluto is a planet of death, and Capricorn is a sign of death.

Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and for a time Mars are or were  in Capricorn, along with the karmic South Node. With the South Node in Capricorn, we reap what was sown, (as previously reported).  Capricorn’s dark side means greed, attention to ambition and work instead of attention to and caring for family and our home planet.

Saturn was conjunct Pluto January 12, Jupiter was exactly conjunct Pluto April 4, will again  June 30, and November 12, this year of 2020.

Jupiter was sextile Neptune February 20, will be again July 27 and again October 12, all this year of 2020, indicating the medicine and vaccines. Jupiter goes into Aquarius December 19, 2020 suggesting medicine to be available to all.

Thank you for reading. Your comments are welcome, just email Patty personally.

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