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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jun 23, 2020

June 23 through June 30, 2020.

Mercury is retrograde until July 12
Venus goes direct June 25.
There are three Cancer moons in 2020; with emphasis on family, food and nurturing.
    Full Moon eclipse was June 5
    New Moon eclipse was June 20
    New Moon July 20

Saturn is stuck at 00 degrees Aquarius through July 1 when it backs into Capricorn. If you are an Aquarius with your Sun at 00 degrees Aquarius you are experiencing challenging relationships. If you are a 00 degree Taurus or Scorpio you are experiencing challenging circumstances, with 00 Aquarius accepting responsibility.

Today, June 23, Jupiter and Pluto are together or conjunct at 24 degrees Capricorn and will be exact June 30. The shadow period is from June 18 through July 9 when they are in the same degree but not exact. This indicates a strong focus of covid-19 during these dates.

June 23 also sees Neptune going direct at 20 degrees Pisces the same degree as the January 10 eclipse which was at 20 degrees Cancer. If you have this degree in your chart, it will be activated. How depends upon the signs. A quick call with Patty can help you with the details.  The Moon went into Leo at 8 am ET, adding creativity and drama to the day.

June 23 USA Opportunity for financial reform along with better employment situation, maybe good news about a relationship with an ally and possible accomplishment from the president - or better situation regarding the office of the presidency.

June 24 no exact astrology aspects.

June 25 Venus goes direct at 5 Gemini 20. Yay! Money issues should clear up. If a relationship was iffy, wait until after today to make amends. Moon goes into Virgo after 1 pm ET bringing the mood down to the practical, with details.

June 26 USA and a few days before and after, a repeat of Feb 27 and repeats again December 31, 2020. Strong opposition to a law or agreement involving finances.  Congress is opposing an announcement or agreement about a trading partner. Could be a Supreme Court announcement.

June 27 Mars goes into Aries through first week of January 2021 because it goes retrograde in September. This is a long time for strong, impulsive, can be combative energy! Please note this energy likes to stir up or catalyze just for the fun of it and any spirited discussions are not personal. Aries will be extra energized and self-reliant; Libra experiences your significant other independent, self absorbed and independent. Cancer and Capricorn experience challenging situations, perhaps regarding new projects. Leo and Sagittarius are invited to new adventures; Gemini can use your diplomatic talent to calm conversations; Aquarius has stimulating ideas or inventions. Pisces and Taurus are neutral, with Virgo and Scorpio adjusting to new or spontaneous activities. Remember spirited conversations are for fun, not personal. Moon goes into Libra just after 4 pm ET, adding cooperation.

Mars in the USA chart through first week of January 2021: Mars will be driving through the house of real estate, so there may be heightened activity in this area. It is also the base of operations for the country the White House. This could mean new people in the White House in January.

June 27 USA financial adjustment or a reevaluation of unemployment disbursements.

June 28 opportunity to put new laws and ideas into action regarding equality for all. Quarter Moon in the signs of Libra and Cancer, who have challenging day, along with Aries and Capricorn. Quarter Moon days bring change, which Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn enjoy. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra, with Scorpio and Pisces helping Cancer.

June 29 Moon goes into Scorpio adding seriousness, investigation and financial subjects into the fore.

June 29 USA strong publican opposition with angry demonstrations.

June 30: busy day. The day with the very strong focus on both the virus and the breakdown and rebuilding of business and maybe government via new policies. Mild tension between what is right for everybody and personal or selfish interests. However, communication is good with opportunity for a somewhat practical solution. Also, opportunity for a financial solution for many. The Sun and Moon are getting along, indicating a good day for everyone, especially for the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. So it seems June ends with harmony.

Contact Patty for your personal accurate astrology reading.

Thank you for reading.

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