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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Oct 7, 2024

Astrology forecast Oct 6 to Oct 14, 2024.


A photo of the sun showing a bright flash on its surfaceThe sun has unleashed an enormous X-class solar flare, temporarily triggering a radio blackout above parts of the U.S. and unleashing a hefty coronal mass ejection (CME) that will likely slam into our planet, potentially triggering vibrant aurora displays later this week. Read more here. What does this mean for you? The Sun’s energy flows through the mid-Libra area of your life, triggering partner and cooperative issues; either nice or difficult. Mid-Libra means that area of your chart that the middle degrees or numbers of Libra are.

Uranus and Algol are still at 26 degrees of Taurus, in harmony with Pluto, indicating continued makeover of infrastructure, abetted by nature with the torrential rains worldwide. Pluto wipes out what is flawed or out of date, and it seems to be a lot! What in the world could the harmony mean? Perhaps people helping people, with rancor replaced with generosity and money coming from charitable organizations and private donations. Just be careful of the conspiracy theories being spouted.

 Mars, Pluto, the Sun and Mercury are in a tense, challenging relationship. The wars continue, with diplomatic attempts challenged because of over confidence on the youngest and bellicose nation’s part. Leadership challenges all week, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

 Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter are all in the later degrees of their signs. Think of degrees as stops along a route, and this means the planets are near the last stop. They will then get off to hop another bus, train or plane on another route with a different job. We will see them hurrying to finish their jobs, meaning we may see more chaos through spring of 2025, getting ready for a new focus for each. We will talk about these as they get closer, and perhaps have a forum about it. For you personally, if you have 21 to 29 degrees or numbers in your chart, they will be triggered by these planets to end their journey through your chart and life.

 This week you may take advantage of a 30-minute reading focused on relationship, what is changing in your life or anything else for only $75.00. Call now for your reading 302-660-2551, or email.


 Now to the weekly planetary relationships with each other, known as celestial forecast. Your personal forecast would be different from these, and deeply personal and accurate.

  •  Oct 6: Weird day. Cooperation or diplomacy runs into vague and changeable terms, with the supposedly stable entity oddly vague or missing. The diplomat finally challenges the hostile one. China verbally challenges the USA. Libra and Pisces continue to have communication problems. It seems Pisces expects everything to stay the same even though they may have disappeared, and Libra – or someone – has moved on. Moon and mini-Moon go into Sagittarius, changing focus to travel, international diplomacy and cultures, higher education, church and spirituality.
  • Oct 7: the next few days the Moon and mini-Moon in Sagittarius will be opposite Jupiter in Gemini, indicating inflation or exaggeration of communication news and entities. Bragging is just that, bragging without anything substantial behind it.
  • Oct 8: nice day. Sun and Moon getting along in the signs of Libra and Sagittarius, the diplomatic and peace-making signs. Your loved one is intense and caring; people in general get along, and communication is diplomatic and cooperative. Scorpio and Cancer easily accomplish their goals, possibly bringing Pisces along. Libra and Gemini provide diplomatic solutions and could bring in new ideas with Aquarius.
  • Oct 9: Jupiter goes retrograde at 21 Gemini exciting the communication markets and possibly glitching your computer and phone from an overload of energy. Be careful of communication promises because they could be exaggerated. Other communication may be complimentarily nice, but listen to what is really said, not what is implied or gratuitous because the speaker may be naturally complimentary, not willing to talk directly. The news should be good but be careful of over-valuing normal conversation. Moon goes into Capricorn early in the morning, bringing attention to practical matters.
  • Oct 10: quarter Moon in the signs of Libra and Capricorn, with tension between relationships and work, or diplomacy and curt speech. Libra and Capricorn feel it the most, followed by Aries and Cancer. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra, with Taurus and Virgo helping Capricorn. Also, a see-saw quincunx day when nothing goes as planned, asking you to adjust or accommodate changes, especially for Scorpio & Gemini. Things are off balance and continually changing regarding shared resources or investments and the communication sector, perhaps even glitches with your computer provider because of their finances.
  • Oct 11: Pluto goes direct at 29 Capricorn, finishing its journey of transforming infrastructure November 19. Maybe the destruction will cease for a while, giving time to rebuild. Finally, Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra who have late birthdays will have some relief from transformation, which is the ending of something to make way for something new. The extra energy of Pluto surging forward may reveal another concrete building or entity collapsing. News again is in the see-saw quincunx situation, continually changing as circumstances change. Libra and Taurus have trouble understanding each other, each needing to accommodate the other’s point of view, easier for Libra than for Taurus.
  • Oct 12: Sun and Moon harmonious again, indicating a nice day for all, especially for Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. News is weird, though, continually accommodating changes; weather may be warm, rainy and windy, from the west. News is unreliable because facts are not available, or so-called facts are made up.
  • Oct 13: Moon goes into psychic Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune. Tense and challenging communication regarding the wars. However, higher diplomacy could win out with an agreement. Mercury goes into Scorpio through November 2, joining Venus, changing communication from trying to balance and cooperate to blunt “settle it now.” Communication and the news also changes focus to financial management or control. Good time for Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces to manage money; Taurus is challenged to actually do something about their money, with Leo and Aquarius experiencing money control issues. Libra and Sagittarius are neutral, with Virgo and Capricorn having a chance or opportunity for solid, although careful, investments of money or resources. Aries and Gemini adjust to financial reality.
  • Oct 14: challenging day. conflict is in the air, along with attempt for financial balance with the parties each stubbornly clinging to their own way. For those whose birthdays are the last few days of your sign, expect a busy day with leadership challenges – or bossy people – financial control situations and so much news or communication it is hard to keep up. This is also for those who have 21 through 29 degrees or numbers in your chart. 
  • *********************************************************************


September 26 and October 23 there is an acceleration of diplomatic and trade negotiations. Mars is in Cancer all month, conjunct the USA Cancer planets, indicating initiating action with allies and partners. The Port’s temporary agreement is revealed by Mars going into the USA eighth house of money; meaning the finances of the country and relief for the Helena victims was important enough for some compromise. October 7 is the exact day of a good progression for another good financial situation – if the opportunity or chance is taken. October 11 shows the beginning of a process phase of relief for those whose properties were destroyed by the various floods, which we know will take some time, with many challenges. However, with confidence it will be done.


 The presidential election: we Fantastic Un-4-gettable Forecasters had a forum about this months ago, and the planets remain the same: a close race, with the results days afterwards. Most of us reading this are fans of the Cayce Readings and scripture. Both teach us to live the Fruits of the Spirit, and to judge others by their fruits.  We Cayce-ites choose one of the Fruits of the Spirit as an Ideal to guide us. I try to evaluate, or discern,  others by the Fruits of the Spirit, meaning do they live or express at least one of those Fruits in their treatment of life and of others? If anyone is undecided about who do vote for, this may help.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for your comments and suggestions, you are appreciated.


Events and Experiences


with Ed Foote.
In person in Hockessin, Delaware.
Thursday, October 17, 2024. 2:00 pm Eastern.
Cost: Free Will donation at the event.
Space is limited,
so contact Patty to reserve your place.

The topic is examined and presented from the perspective of both A Course In Miracles and the Edgar Cayce Readings. Included are the Secret of the Law of Abundance, The Four Attitudes of Abundance, The Principles of Giving and Receiving, and the Spiritual Requirements for Giving a Gift. You will learn a variety of ways you can employ spiritual practices in order to achieve Abundance. Join us for a supportive and fun afternoon learning how to live an abundant life. Ed may include Sacred Dance.

After the program we will continue our friendship with dinner at a nearby restaurant.
Contact Patty to RSVP and reserve your space. 


I will be starting a live, call-in show when you may call in to have one astrology, Edgar Cayce and esoteric question answered. I did this for years with WBCK in Battle Creek, Michigan and WDEL in Wilmington, Delaware, and with different radio and TV stations throughout the USA. It is time to offer this to you again. It will be once a month at lunchtime Eastern Time and free. Back in the 1980’s I had my own-produced TV show in Wilmington, Delaware, which was hilariously amateur, but we had fun and some who called in are still with me. If you would be interested in calling in, please email me to receive our start date.

Patty Finlayson has over 43 years of study and application of the Edgar Cayce readings, astrology, Rudolph Steiner, Alice Bailey, the I AM teachings with local I AM groups, and the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom where she was both a spiritual director and on the Board of Directors when the Bridge was in long Island. The Bridge is an El Morya-inspired organization, where the I AM movements are St. Germain inspired. Her 12 years of Catholic schooling was good preparation to understand the Cayce readings, especially the Revelation readings. Patty currently hosts an Edgar Cayce study group and gives astrology readings and programs. Beginning astrology classes are now taught by Sherry Wiercinski, who will be starting a new beginner’s class soon.

 Thank you for reading and being part of our Esoteric Wisdom family; you are the important one in this activity.
If you would rather not receive the newsletters and notices of events, unsubscribe here.

 Patty the Astrologer.


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