Oct 3 through Oct 11 2021
Draconid meteor showers this week.
Your celestial probabilities.
Heads up! 2021's Draconid meteor shower happens this week on the evening of Friday, October 8. But you might see some meteors in the nights leading up to that as well. Full article here.with beautiful picture of Draco.
This week begins continues the social expression with three planets in Libra: Sun, Mars and Mercury and two in Aquarius: Jupiter and Saturn. We begin with the Moon in Virgo, in harmony with Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus, adding practical endeavors to importance. Venus in Scorpio is in harmony with Neptune in Pisces, adding focused, loving creativity to the mix that also has the opportunity for a relatively easy transformation in relationships.
Libra is in a challenging, tense relationship with Capricorn revealing resistance from the established power base to the new cooperative efforts. With Libra in harmony with Aquarius, the harbinger of the new and possibly humanitarian activities, there can be success if Libra will appeal to the combnation of expansion of one phase and the contraction of another.
To get personal:
Libra is in easy relationship with Aquarius and Gemini. Libra can be the leader and diplomat to present new ideas in humanitarian and scientific activities. Libra may have tense and challenging situations with Capricorn over the established way of doing things and at odds with Pisces over what Libra may consider too generous give-away programs. Libra is also off-balance with the new money - cybercurrency - or Libra may want to spend more than is available and needs to adjust. Libra and Taurus off-balance with each other and need to accommodate each other’s points of view.
The new Moon on Oct. 6 is in Libra, adding energy to Libra and challenging Aries, Cancer and Capricorn. The new Moon is great for Gemini and Aquarius, iffy for Pisces and Taurus and reveals an opportunity for Leo and Sagittarius for good relationships. Virgo and Scorpio are neutral.
Aries experiences opposition in the form of others asking them to work together in cooperation instead of going it alone, but has a creative point of view and way of expressing the ideas for Aquarius.
Taurus is entrenched in not wanting to change, at odds with the speed of society and Libra, and may be resisting their loved ones intensity. Taurus can steady and offer a realistic outlook to overly idealistic Pisces and help Capricorn with practical endeavors. Taurus has control issues with Aquarius who wants the new with Taurus clinging to the old, not wanting to change or move.
Gemini with their social and communication talent shows everyone how to pay attention to the everyday, your siblings, neighbors and especially communications. Their patron planet of Mercury is retrograde so what is offered needs to wait until after Oct 18 to implement.
Cancer experiences challenges from Libra and Capricorn, adjusts to the abstract with Aquarius and to new ways of doing things, has good interactions with Scorpio and Pisces, and has the opportunity to show Taurus how to change just a little bit and to take Taurus’ advice.
Leo experiences opposition, especially from Aquarius who wants Leo to pay attention to the group and abstract ideas. Leo experiences a lack of attention and also adjusts to people either not showing up or hogging the spotlight and to those focused on long-range work.
Virgo begins with the Moon in your sign, but that is only for a day or two. Virgo has a good work month, working with financial issues and helping those in long-range planning.
Scorpio has good interaction with Pisces, perhaps strengthening and helping Pisces, and has the opportunity to be involved in transforming the infrastructure via of money; either money itself or offering their valuable insight and management.
Sagittarius continues to deal with past-life and this-life situations. The good to rejoice, the difficult to correct. Sagittarius also is in a vague relationship with Pisces; neither of whom understand the other. If Sagittarius will avail of Libra or Gemini’s diplomacy, it will be better.
Capricorn is strong and focused on what is established and secure, and in tense relationship with Libra who is asking for Capricorn to cooperate with something new. Capricorn has the opportunity to offer their wisdom to the overly idealistic and to someone young and intense.
Aquarius is busy planning for future humanitarian or group projects and simultaneously figuring out how to establish them. Gemini can help with diplomatic communication and Libra can help put the ideas before others.
Pisces is either very creative or very dreamy. If Pisces will accept the opportunities from both Capricorn and Taurus for practical application, they will be happy. Pisces has good love and financial relationship with Scorpio.
To the USA
Transiting Pluto continues its relentless opposition to the USA natal Mercury, meaning there is strong opposition to higher laws and agreements with allies or enemies or both. Pluto is the patron planet of atomic energy and this could mean a country with nuclear energy, such as Iran, continues to oppose the USA. On a more gloomy side, there could be more deaths from COVID. This continues through the end of November this year. Domestically, continued opposition from Congress to a higher court decisions, and opposition to creating new or opposition to existing laws.
This also reveals the strong congressional public opposition to creating laws and non-cooperation.
Last week saw the Democrat progressives and centrists each intransigent, refusing to budge from their own points of view and wants. Last week also saw the government avoid another shutdown. This is all about money and is astrologically revealed in part with transiting Saturn conjunct the USA South Node, the point of past mistakes. Saturn is the patron planet of the Democrats (Rex Bill’s Planetary Rulerships) who are, interestingly, trying to restrict the money.
The Republican’s patron planet is Jupiter, which is in uncomfortable relationship with Neptune of the Supreme Court, revealing the challenges of their laws and proposed laws to the Supreme Court. (T Jupiter quincunx N Neptune).
The multi-focused situations of the workforce, medical workers, the pandemic and immigration continue, with supply chain and worker disruptions and shortages. (T Uranus quincunx N Asc.).
October 6, 7, and 8 sees progress with the President’s agenda, at least for infrastructure because of impetus from congress and perhaps from cabinet secretaries. (New Moon at 27 Libra conjunct N Moon and T Mars conjunct N Saturn). However there are strong challenges to laws and perhaps a strong Supreme Court challenge. (T Sun square N Sun).
Patty the Astrologer is here for your own personal accurate astrology forecast.
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