Oct 18 to Oct 25 2021
Mercury goes direct Oct 18 at 10 Libra 08
Jupiter goes direct October 18 at 22 Aquarius 19
Full Moon Oct 20 at 27 degrees Aries and Libra
The week again begins with Libra and Aquarius energy prominent, indicating possible good activities for both and offering an opportunity for Sagittarius to be included. However Pluto can put the brakes on Libra Aries and Cancer because of the need to heed already-in-place policies; this means the established way of things is the best for them for another week or ten days. Saturn and Uranus are sort of in tension; meaning the money supply and commodities continue to be disrupted. Sagittarius continues to attract people and situations from the past to enjoy or heal. Libra is at odds with Pisces and Taurus and needs to accommodate vagueness and slow-to-respond people. Gemini has a good week with Libra, Aquarius and Aries but may contradict Sagittarius, but Gemini may provide the ability to recognize all side of a situation and diplomatically help.
Oct 18 both Mercury and Jupiter go direct so expect a busy day. See the above signs and degrees to learn if they directly relate to your chart and if so, it will be extra busy. Patty your Astrologer can help you understand what it means and how to manage.
October 18 and 19: basically good days expect for possible glitches with Mercury and Jupiter going direct. Except for glitches which can be managed, a good day for humanitarian projects to go forward smoothly.
October 20: full Moon in Aries and Libra who will feel it the most, with challenging situations that may include Cancer and Capricorn. Aquarius can help with the big picture, Gemini can help with their ability to see all sides of the situation and diplomatically offer solution.
October 22: difficult day with tension between those who want to expand and cooperate and the one in established power or situation who wants to control it. There could be further symbolic tearing down of structures. Libra and Capricorn experience tense situation, along with Cancer and Aries. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra; Scorpio and Pisces can help Cancer, Leo and Sagittarius can help Aries.
Oct 23 Eastern Time: Sun goes into Scorpio through November 21. Attention is now on investments, money management, intimacy and being involved. Good month for Scorpio to begin projects with cooperation from the established way of doing things combined with a little creative vision. Scorpio tries to push Taurus to no avail, but Taurus can work well with Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer and Pisces.
The USA continues the preview of the upcoming transformation of the values of the country that will be exact beginning February 2022. Also, karma continues to be brought to the fore this week, meaning past mistakes, especially fiscal, need to be corrected. The USA chart indicates spending should be for the people, but in moderation. Also, karmic situations from the founding of the nation July 4, 1776, are brought to our attention. Can this be the slavery issue? If so that is already in process.
There is continued opportunity for positive change about higher laws and the Supreme Court, situations with foreign entities, the medical and workforce situations. This has an exact date of October 22.
Transiting Uranus is going through the USA area of the workforce, revealing big change. We are experiencing the workforce changing how and where they work, disrupting some industries, such as restaurants, long-distance trucking, but with an increase in local delivery and people going to better-paying warehouse jobs. It will settle because this is an opportunity for positive change.
There may be continued demonstration and court decisions about abortion. (The USA progressed Venus is in the USA fifth house of children opposite the USA P Saturn, meaning this issue will continue for about a year.)
Oct 18 Jupiter goes direct in the see-saw, quincunx relationship to the Supreme court. This will be in effect for the remainder of October and through the first week of November. We may see lower court decisions brought up by the Supreme Court and adjusted or changed. One of the issues will be freedom of the press and freedom of assembly. ( T Jupiter quincunx N Neptune).
Oct 20 is mixed, with good announcement from the office of the presidency that pleases the population, but is a challenge to finances. Could this be congressional resistance? (T Sun trine N Moon and square N Pluto).
Oct 21 is mixed, too. The president has the opportunity to solve an immigrations situation but there is challenge regarding the legality. (T Venus sextile N Saturn and T Mars square N Mercury).
Oct 22: opportunity for positive change about higher laws and the Supreme Court, situations with foreign entities, and the medical and workforce situations.
For your accurate, confidential reading soon, Contact Patty.
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