King Leo has a big heart and is generous with his time and resources so he created a big, lavish party to meet the other Kings.
King Cancer and Lady Moon were invited to the lavish party hosted by their next-door neighbors King Leo and Knight Sun who they had not yet met. Light was shining through the windows, radiating a brilliance around the fiery castle and grounds. King Cancer and Lady Moon went over in their water chariot. Some may think King Cancer is timid because he can be quiet, but he is courageous and felt good investigating his brilliant neighbor. When they docked at King Leo’s dock, Knight Sun, the Life of the Zodiac, whose light is almost blinding, effusively welcomed them. They got into King Leo’s fiery chariot and traveled to the grand castle where King Leo joined them. King Leo, the King of Kings the Zodiac, then showed them around the grounds. They met King Leo’s pet Lion, the King of the Animals, who was magnificent, with a luxurious mane and sturdy body. Mr. Lion liked King Cancer and Lady Moon and almost purred in friendship — if a lion can purr, but after all he is a cat. Lady lion was in the background, but we know she willingly serves Mr. Lion, putting him first in her life.
King Leo took them into his brightly-lit castle, filled with opulent furnishings. King Cancer and Lady Moon were greatly impressed, telling King Leo so, who appreciated the praise.
The other guests began to arrive. The first to arrive was King Aries and Knight Mars in their fiery chariot. They are fiery like King Leo and Knight Sun and they got along famously. The conversation was about King Aries many adventures and King Leo’s riches and opulent artifacts.
Then King Taurus and Lady Venus arrived in their comfortable land chariot. King Taurus and King Leo both like to be in control, so Lady Venus urged her King Taurus to let King Leo be in charge because — after all — it was King Leo’s castle and party. King Taurus is not extravagant with praise, so he and Lady Venus quietly went to join King Cancer and Lady Moon who they did get along with, and they talked about food, family and money.
With a whoosh of air King Gemini and Knight Mercury arrived in their air chariot, landing in a whirl so they would be noticed. Knight Mercury almost flew out of the chariot on his winged shoes. They entered the castle chattering away and hurried to greet their friends King Leo and Knight Sun. King Gemini can talk about anything most interestingly and immediately had everyone’s attention. King Gemini immediately complimented King Leo on his luxurious castle, asked about his pet Lion and chatted with Knight Sun. King Gemini also chatted with King Taurus, King Cancer and flirted with the Ladies’ Venus and Moon, which the Kings Taurus and Cancer did not appreciate.
King Aries and King Cancer like to always have something new to do, so they had a good time talking about what new project or adventure they may begin. King Leo offered expensive suggestions. King Gemini added creative ideas. King Taurus offered practical information about their potential ventures and tried to urge them to be careful, not characteristic of King Aires.
King Leo then made an announcement to bring attention back to himself. King Leo wanted to show off his new, opulent additions to the castle, so everyone gathered around him and followed him through the castle to admire and praise King Leo. Then Knight Sun led everyone to the dining table which was set with gold serving ware and goblets. The food and libations were the very best that could be. Needless to say, all were impressed, almost in awe, of King Leo’s generosity and ability to provide beauty. However, King Taurus wondered to himself “how much did all this cost?” although he thoroughly enjoyed the food, as did King Cancer.
It was getting late and the first to leave were Kings Taurus and Cancer, Lady Venus,and Lady Moon who wanted to enjoy the comfort of their own homes before retiring. Kings Aries, Gemini and Leo talked way into the night, until even they became sleepy. King Aries impulsively leapt into his fiery chariot driven by Knight Mars, and King Gemini hopped into his air chariot piloted by Knight Mercury with the wings on his shoes. And off they went to their respective castles.
All in all, it was a most successful gathering, and before they parted, the kings said how much they enjoyed the party and profusely thanked King Leo for his generosity and creativity.
Patty the Astrologer is available for your reading by appointment at a time convenient for you.
Have a wonderful summer.
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