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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Aug 2, 2021

Celestial forecast Aug 1 through Aug 9 2021

August is the month of Leo, bringing creative drama, authority and generosity to the month. However, Venus and Mars in Virgo have sped ahead focusing attention on practical, linear detail. Since Uranus is in a stressful relationship with Leo, expect attempts to change that are resisted. Jupiter and Saturn are in oppositional relationship, indicating stubborn relationship interactions about who will be in control. Pluto continues to reveal adapting to the breakdown of what were considered safe and secure to be replaced with the new. Since Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius, the sign of change, you may be able to see the new within the stresses. However, the pandemic will continue until the very last few days of this December, we continue to adapt to the pandemic. If you remember our pandemic articles, this is all about the world re-prioritizing values. The breakdown of what was selfish, unbridled ambition, me only, too much attention to career is being replaced with attention to family, including extended family, and caring for others. Leo may experience stressful control-issue relationships some days because Jupiter and Saturn are in the opposite sign of Aquarius.

With most stressful relationships or situations, co-operation is the key to resolution. Meet in the middle with requests or demands, with all parties happy.

The USA (using the Sibley chart) continues the Neptune opposition, indicating some things and people disappearing or leaving the life of the country, but with spiritual understandings and application of compassion. I just finished my Neptune opposition, with people leaving my life, some dying in the pandemic, and for other non-personal reasons. For the USA this may mean some foreign entities no longer in the USA life or activities. This can be seen with our leaving Afghanistan. The humanitarian expression of this is our bringing those who helped us there into this country, expediting the paperwork so they can be safe. Neptune also is the patron planet of oil and gas, and we are seeing a fairly rapid transition to electric vehicles.

The USA: Astrologese: transiting Saturn is conjunct the USA Progressed Moon, both in Aquarius. Saturn indicates responsibility, restriction, hard work, and karma. Aquarius wants to expand to large groups and Saturn wants to restrict and we are seeing that in the financial bills going through Congress. As you can see, the debate is about the money.

Aug 1: strong focused communication by one in authority for a large or expensive plan which is opposed by a stronger one who represents the large group from yesterday. The opposition is about who is in control. Leo proposes plans opposed by Aquarius, with Scorpio and Taurus also having control issues today. Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo, with Gemini and Libra helping Aquarius.

Aug 1 USA: opportunity for end of a filibuster or debate or good news about the medical situation and work force, with challenge to a situation that is eased the day ends somewhat harmoniously.

Aug 1: strong focused communication by one in authority for a large or expensive plan which is opposed by a stronger one who represents the large group from yesterday. The opposition is about who is in control. Leo proposes plans opposed by Aquarius, with Scorpio and Taurus also having control issues today. Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo, with Gemini and Libra helping Aquarius.

Aug 1 USA: opportunity for end of the filibuster or debate or good news about the medical situation and work force, with challenge to a situation that is eased the day ends somewhat harmoniously.

Aug 2: tension between the one in authority self-confidently presents something for only him/her self or too narrowly focused, resisted at first by the needs of the many. Cooperation can bring some of what each needs for success. News is good about this project after cooperation. Leo is resisted by Aquarius or the established group. Gemini and Libra can help Aquarius, with Aries and Sagittarius helping Leo. Moon goes into Gemini early morning adding gabbiness and socialness to the day.

Aug 2 USA: good news about the general population and immigrants. Possibly news of a good agreement with allies or a law.

Aug 3: younger people offer solution to change, although resisted by one in authority who only sees the now. Virgo facilitates change with their attention to practical, sequential detail, but Leo still resists. Taurus and Capricorn can help Virgo, with Aries and Sagittarius helping Leo.

Aug 3: good news about a law or agreement with an ally, and good news from or about the president and the infrastructure. Seems the congress is agreeing with each other.

Aug 4: the one in authority has one good day with activities and has a lot of self-confidence. The news is good and positive. Leo and Aries have good activities, along with Sagittarius. Moon goes into Cancer about dinner time, adding attention to family, food and comfort.

Aug 4 USA; good situation with foreign allies or good news from a higher court regarding finances.

Aug 5: no exact astrological aspects.

Aug 6: stubborn resistance to change, with the one in authority needing to let go of the control; only the control of the situation, not the situation itself. Next month, things look like they will ease into actuality. Leo stressed because the change they want is stubbornly resisted by the money person. Let go of being in control and it will be resolved.

Aug 6 USA: opportunity for the president and a foreign entity to settle a situation, bringing stability and security to the situation.

Aug 7: the news continually changes because of newly emerging information. Information or news is trying to describe a situation too vague or incomplete and unreliable, hence the changes in reporting. Leo and Pisces having a hard time understanding each other. Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo, with Scorpio and Cancer helping Pisces. Moon goes into Leo, adding strength to Leo’s activities, and perhaps adding having to be right.

Aug 7 USA: opportunity agreement on the infrastructure bill. If it is an interpretation by a higher court, the outcome is favorable to younger people.

Aug 8: new Moon in Leo, again adding strength to Leo. The new Moon is typically a time for the sign of the new Moon - this month Leo - to begin new activities or projects. Sometimes Leo needs someone to start them, and today is the day. Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio experience control issues. Would be wise to ask advice of someone not one of these fixed signs for their perception of the situation to create harmony. Control issues can be resolved with cooperation.

Aug 8 USA: opportunity to expand an existing law regarding immigration that is resisted by congress.

Aug 9: another see-saw, quincunx day. This time information is incomplete or continually changing about the pandemic and its changes. The request for precise details is resisted by the medical profession because of continually changing dynamics. Relationships today may be unsatisfactory. Leo tries to articulate their grand ideas which may be restricted by Capricorn. Virgo is trying to extract details from Pisces to no avail. Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo, with Taurus and Capricorn helping Virgo. Moon goes into Virgo, joining Mars and Venus and adding strength to Virgo discussions.

Aug 9 USA: compassion towards those in need; could be everyday people facing eviction, the foreign helpers during the Afghan war or immigrants. However, unrest because of finances.

For your accurate and helpful reading, contact Patty the Astrologer now.

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